should we revil it or not? part 2 (2/2)

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Hello everyone I just wanted to say thank you for reading this story and this is going to be the longest part that I ever made let's get into the story



I was in the window when I say my mom's and dad's

I was in the window when I say my mom's and dad's

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Me- Hello mom's and dad's *smile*

Irene/mom- hello sweetie how are you doing today*return the smile*

Me- I'm good and why are you all here?

Shad/dad- we are here to give you are relic's pumpkin and you are going to be protecting the universe for now on are time is up here

They all hand me there relic

Me- I promise I'll protect the universe and my brother if it's the last thing I'll do

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Me- I promise I'll protect the universe and my brother if it's the last thing I'll do

Esmund/dad- good well good luck bunny be a divine like us

Me- I will goodbye mom's dad's *smile and crying*

The divines/parents- goodbye call us if you need help *they disappear*

Me- I will I promise...

Me- I'm going to go check on Johnny now just to make sure that he is okay

I went and I saw Mavis and Marcus in the side chairs of the bed

Me- What are they doing here well I did sense then watching us but I didn't sense then come in

Me- What are you guys doing here?

Mavis- We saw you talking to someone who was that?

Me- My parents...

Marcus- What?

Marcus POV(bet you didn't see that coming)

What Ava was talking to her parents? WHAT IS GOING ON!?!?

Ava- yes...

Marcus- Can you explain to us what you guys were talking about please?

Ava- I can't sorry...

Mavis- Why are you sorry?

Just then Ava started to sing

And then everything went black


When I was done singing I teleport them to there room and I went to sleep in my bed seans I waisted 20% of my pawer but I'm going to need all of my powers at the maximum of I'm going to save the world

Word Bank 339 I'll see you all soon bye my angel and demon

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