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Ever since the Figgins had made Sue co-director of the Glee club everything,as much as Mickey hated to admit it, started to fall apart. Will and Sue were constantly fighting over every single thing. No matter how amusing it was at first to see them argue, it was beginning to become a bit much..

Mickey also found it extremely stupid that suddenly Mr. Schuester was interested to hear their opinions on what music they should do. Obviously, he was trying to win their favor. But he still wasn’t really listening to what they were saying. He didn't look like he was even going to consider Mercedes and Kurt's request to sing something 'a little more black' and he flat out discarded Mike's proposition to 'pop and lock', which pissed Mickey off to no end.

In the end, it was decided that they would each direct a group number. Today was the day they would flip a coin to see who would go first. Mickey sat in the middle between Mike and Matt, silently watching as Sue pulled a coin from the pocket of her tracksuit bottoms.

"Ladies' choice. Heads." Coach called as she tossed the coin in the air.

Mr. Schuster caught the coin mid air and slapped it on the top of his hand, sighing when he saw the result. "Heads."

"Awesome." Sue said, taking out a sheet from her pockets along with her glasses. "All right. Following students have been selected... for a special elite Glee Club called Sue's Kids."

"Hold on." Will interrupted with a frown. "We agreed not to split up the group."

"Aw, come on, Will. Give me a chance to do things Sue Sylvester's way. Maybe with my proven leadership abilities I can help this pathetic group of mouth breathers place at sectionals." Sue said snidely

"We can't even compete in sectionals if we divide up the club, Sue. It's against the rules." Will said exasperated

"Really? You need to crack open a book, Wiliam. Here." She tossed him a book, clearly prepared for his resistance. "I have. Show Choir Rule Book. Page 24. Provision 14. Second addendum. 'Twelve members must perform for each team. However, not all members must perform every Song."

This whole situation was hilarious to Mickey him laughing quietly
"Did he really not know that? Isn't it his job to know this sort of thing?" Matt asked in a whisper and Mickey could only shrug in response.

Mr. Schuester slammed the book shut and tossed it on top of the piano. "Fine." He said exasperatedly,throwing up his hands in surrender. "Hey, just go ahead, take all the football players and your Cheerios."

"All right, everybody. Listen up." Sue turned to all of the students, putting on her glasses. "When you hear your name called, cross over to my side of this black, shiny thing."

"That's called a piano, Sue." Will informed her, but it didn't look like she cared.

"Santana !" Coach Sylvester started yelling, looking down at her list before staring at the student in question. "Wheels! Gay kid!" Artie and Kurt looked both confused and shocked at being called out. "Come on! Move it!" And with that they made their way over to the piano. "Asian!" Mike and Tina looked at each other in confusion,not knowing who Sue was referring to. "Other Asian." Mike and Tina obeyed, standing up and following the others.

"Aretha." Mercedes quickly made her way over to Kurt. "Shaft! And Sue #2!"

Mickey’s eyes brightened, filled with mischief as the Cheerios coach gestured to him to come to her side, turning to his Spanish teacher and saying snarky "I don't want to participate in a group that ignores the needs of minority students."

"You have got to be kidding me!" Mr. Schue exclaimed, jumping from his seat.

"He wouldn't kid about this, and neither would I." Sue told him, shaking her head.

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