my step father.

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I wrote this when i was like 15 and lacked writing but now it has improved so I'm sorry for my horrible writing below.

First of all, don't comment where is her fucking mother because she doesn't fucking have one. For fucks sakes I don't know how many times I have to fucking say it. Stop.

Just shut up and enjoy the damn FICTIONAL imagine.

I heard the door slam
I jumped not knowing who it was

"Who's there"I asked

"Sorry baby its just me"I heard my dad Justin say or my step dad.

"Oh you scared me"I said in relief
He was wearing his hair in a quif
With a black shirt ,jeggings and white supras
His tattoos were so hot
I gotta admit my own dad was fine asf

"Gotta stop staring baby girl"he smirked
I shook my head

"Well im going back up stairs"I awkwardly stared

I hear him chuckle phew that was a close one I take my shorts off sleeping in my big shirt
Laying down and falling asleep

I wake up so damn thirsty I look at the time
It says 3 in the morning
I quietly get out of bed opening the door heading down stairs I went into the kitchen I grab a glass filling it with water Drinking it then putting it in the sink
Walking away I bump into something hard almost falling but they catch me

"What t-

"Sorry its me"I hear a raspy voice say knowing who it was already

"Oh what are you doing up?"I question

"What are you doing up?" He smirks

"I was thirsty"

"I bet"he chuckles

"Ugh shut up"I say rolling my eyes about to go around him but he stops me stepping in front of me holding onto my hips leaning down to my face

"What no kiss good night"he smirks

"You wish"I smirk back

"Your right I do wish"he leans closer
Our faces were inches apart
My breath hitched

"I've always wanted to do this"he lifts my chin with his finger

"Do wha- I start to say but cut off by Justin smashing his lips on mine
I instantly kissed back his soft lips felt so good
His hands trailed under my shirt
Pulling it up
I had no bra on but only under wear

"Your so fucking sexy"he bit his lip
I looked down blushing
I saw he was wearing his Calvin Klein under wear only and damn holy shit there's a big ass bulge

"I know I'm huge baby girl"he smirks picking me up on the counter he goes in between my legs kissing me again I pulled him closer to me
I put my fingers in his hair tugging on it
I heard him moan
I felt his tongue lick my lips I opened it coming in contact with his sweet tongue
He glided it perfectly on mine
I felt him pull my under wear down spreading my led open he pulled away going down to me neck sucking on any spot
I moaned once he found my sweet spot
His fingers trailed up my thighs going down to my vagina he slid it up and down my folds going in slowly thrusting it in with 2 fingers

"Omfg Justin!"I moaned

"You like it hard don't you you dirty slut"he groaned

"Yes!"I felt him thrust faster hitting ALL the spots

"Cum for me baby girl"he said
And so I did
He went down to my vagina licking all my juices up he picked me up laying me down on the island
Laying down on top of me he slipped his boxers off
Jerking off 5 times
I bit my lip knowing that huge dick was gonna be in me

"I'm gonna fuck you like there's no tomorrow"
I got wet even more with those words

"He didn't put a condom on
He placed it at my entrance

"Ready baby girl"

I nodded biting my lip

He pushed it in all the way

"UGH FUCK!"that hurt like a bitch but pleasure was shot up me

Justin grabbed my hips thirsting deeper in me

"Who's yor daddy?!"he yelled

"You daddy you!"I moaned

"WHAT!" He yelled fucking me harder

"YOU DADDY YOU!"I screamed

"That's right baby girl"he moaned

I clawed his back each time he fucke me further
Soon enough I felt him hit my g spot

"SHIT IM GONNA CUM!"he yelled




"I love you so much"he kissed me

"I love you too daddy"I kissed him back giggling

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