Teasing Pleasure

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Hola babe's hope you enjoy I'm sorry I rarely post but I've got 3k reads good enough.
Come on praise bieber before you sleep always thank him. Now peace

Turning to the side, you slowly opening your eyes. The room was still dark, no light besides the moons lit up the bedroom. Glancing at the bright green numbers in the clock on the bedside table, you read 3am.

You sighed, pouting slightly as memories from last night events come.

Justin had teased you badly during your love making. His luscious lips kissed every single inch of your body, making your heart beat faster then ever before. They would make their way down south, getting close to your heated core. Smirking, he had moved away when he was only inches away.

You were able to forget that tease easily as things become steamy between you two.

Sitting up, bringing your legs toward you chest, you glanced at Justin, who was sleeping peacefully beside you.

You shiver slightly. You could still feel the sensation when he had rubbed himself against your womanhood, making you go crazy. You had begged for him to pleasure you, to make sweet passionate love to you.

You had become a moaning mess under him, calling for him to do anything toward your hot body. You wanted to feel the burn his lips left on your skin.

He, being a teasing bastard, didn't do what your desperately wanted from him, he played with your body. Getting you excited, then quickly dissolve the sensation.

"You f*cking tease." You whisper, narrowing your eyes at him.

Remembering his fingers running down your sides, across your stomach, up your thighs, made you begin to get wet. Tracing your arms, you wanted to feel his touch on your skin.

But, you weren't going to let him touch you, oh no.

You wanted to get him back. For him to cry out for you. Him begging desperately for your touch, your mouth, anything you could give him. You wanted to see his face filled with pleasurable pain when you didn't finish the job.

Smirking,your brain come up with the perfect plan. Quickly getting out of the bed, leaving the white silk sheet on the ground. You skin formed goosebumps as you felt the cold air bite against your nude flesh.

Looking through the drawer where your socks were placed, you found the object you were looking for.

Running your finger on its cool surface, you felt victorious. Biting your lip, you walked over to his side.

Grabbing his left hand, you brought it over his head, slowly, connecting it to the hand cuff. Wrapping the handcuff over the bed post, you grabbed his other hand and connected it as well.

Licking your lips, you pulled the sheet away from his body, exposing his glory to your eyes. Your eyes danced as you looked at all the tattoos his body had. The small bird on the hip, to the crown next to his collarbone.

Getting on the bed, you hovered over his body; supporting yourself with your knees and hands.

Leaning down, you began to place wet kisses on his neck, sucking behind his ear.

Justin began to stir in his sleep, moaning softly.

You didn't stop. Moving your lips over his chin, and to his jaw. You kissed every inch, nibbling here and there. Pecking his lips a couple of tips, your teeth attached themselves to his bottom lip, pulling it slightly before letting it go.

"Mhmm...Baby?" Justin whispered, opening his eyes. "Where are-what the hell?" He mummers, fully awake, when he notices he can't move his arms. Turning his neck, he looks behind him and sees the steel handcuffs.

Justin Bieber Dirty ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now