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Toby's P.O.V:

We finally made it to see Tim. The only thing is, afterwards things got weirder. This wasn't first meet up with Tim, but we met him at a parking lot of buildings that seemed abandoned. It was creepy. I hear Tim get out. He doesn't know I'm here. Ja wanted it that way. I put on my goggles and mask on. I grab my hatchets. I get out quietly. They don't know I got out. I sneak to the back of the car. They started fighting and then Jay got punched. I took that as my chance to run, so I ran. They seen me and Tim, not knowing who it was or what I was doing there, ran after me. He was fast, but not fast enough. I got away. He almost had me tho. Luckily he gave up. Slender then appeared close to me. Tim started coughing really bad when Slender appeared. I took my goggles off. Tim seen who I was and recognized me instantly. "Toby?" He then passed out.

~Time skip brought to you by Brian hitting the griddy~

Tim finally awoke. He seen who Ticci Toby was now. I made sure he didn't remember it. He doesn't know Ticci yet. But he will.

~another time skip brought to you by Timman~

Jay and Tim had finally became best buddies. Tim made it very obvious that he did NOT like me. It didn't matter. I was only here for one thing and one thing only. I would make sure I achieved that.

Tim told me and Jay to stay in this building while he investigated another building. We had a window so when Tim came out, we could go down and investigate ourselves. Jay seemed out of it today. It seemed Skully must be taking over... I wasn't sure, but I had this pit in my stomach. It felt that something bad was going to happen. (U have no idea Tobes) We waited it out. Tim then ran out of the building. We then ran down to the building.

We got inside the building after a few minutes. We started exploring with Jay's camera rolling. Everything was fine, until we saw Alex...

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