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As I arrived at school, someone called out to me.

"Hey, Jup, how are you? You never replied my texts," Luccas said to me.

"Ours!" Zahra corrected with a playful smile.

"Oh yeah sorry guys, I wanted to text but I saw that there were like a million texts and it was overwhelming. Sorry," I apologized.

"Well next time just text if you're alive, you could've told us you were feeling bad. Although we should've know after everything that happened." She said.

"Wait- what? What happened?" I said, caught off guard.

"Oh, really? Do you really think we're not gonna know if our best friend is on the news? Don't worry tho, we're not gonna tell," Luccas said.

"Well, keep it down because I don't want anyone to know," I replied.

"Don't worry Jup, our mouths are shut," Zahra said, playfully zipping her lips with her fingers. "Buuuuut, you have to tell us the details. I mean, you kissed Spiderman!" She said.

"SHHHH! We can't do this now, too many people. Mmmm, come here," I whispered, pulling them into an empty classroom.

"Isn't this the place everyone comes to fuck?" Luccas joked.

"Luccas!" Zahra scolded him. "Tell us, Jup!"

"Okay, yes, it's all true. I'm the mysterious man that was kissing Spiderman. And hopefully no one in this school remembers my face enough to tell," I said.

"Oh, please, you don't talk to anyone besides us," Luccas teased.

"Lies!" I exclaimed.

"Oh yeah, that's right, you also talk to that Parker kid, right? Anyway, how's that going?" Luccas asked.

"I don't know, haven't seen him in a while. Actually the last time I saw him was when I went to his house and we bearly kiss." I replied.

"What!? You told us nothing happened!" Luccas said

"Well, nothing did! Key work: bearly" I explained.

"That's no nothing and you know it" He said

"Well, I don't care, because he got mad out of the sudden and I left early in the morning"

"Ohhh, Jup, I'm so sorry, do you like him?" Zahra asked.

"Mmmm I don't know," I hesitated.

That kept me wondering. I liked Peter before. But I also liked Spiderman. This was too complicated to think right now. Thankfully the ring rang.

" Fuuck, anyway, let's go to class, we don't wanna miss math isn't that right Jup?" Luccas said.

"Oh yeah, love math!" I said sarcastically.

OMG. Peter was in math. And now I have too see him! What if he saw the news and he knows!? Fuck


I have math class. That means, Jupiter is gonna be there. And that means I'm going to have to talk to him. I have to play it cool. He can't know i'm Spiderman.

I sat at my usual table in math class, waiting for Jupiter to arrive. A few minutes later, he came.

"Hi, Pete," he said.

"Hi, Jup! How was the weekend?" I replied, trying to sound nonchalant.

"I had better, not gonna lie..so, I wanted to talk about what happened the other day at your house. I'm really sorry about it," Jupiter said.

My heart skipped a beat. I had almost forgotten about the almost-kiss that had happened when he came to my house.

"Oh, no worries really, it's okay Jup. I'm not mad or anything," I said, trying to keep my emotions in check.

"Oh. Okay, then, perfect. You seemed mad that day; that's why I wanted to talk about it," Jupiter said.

"Well, I'm not anymore. Don't worry," I said, trying to appear calm.

The class went by without incident, and soon enough, the school day was over. It was time for being Spiderman again.


I got home and took a nap. I love naps, they're refreshing. And I knew Spiderman was gonna come by night so I had nothing better to do than take a nap and kill time.

When I woke up, it was 5 pm, it was still early, so I started doing homework. Until...

"Is that math homework?" Spiderman said.

"Hahaha It is...wanna help? Im really strugguling"

"Mmm why don't you ask you friend Pete for that?"

"Umm I would but he isn't here is he? You know how is here? You..."

"Hahaha, what do you have to do?"

"I don't even know. I can't undertand anything of this"

"Let me see.." He grabbed my notebook. "Oh, this is easy, let me do it for you, you can ask the explanation to your friend later." He started to do it with my pencil."Aaan that's it"

"Thank you very much...can't know if it's right or wrong tho..."

"I guess you'll have to trust me then"

"Mmm I don't know if i should...I mean, I don't even know who you are..."

"Was that a hint? You know I can't tell you.."

"Yeah I know...had to try tho. Wanna come in?"

He did come in.

"Wanna watch a movie or something?"

"Sure, what do you have?"

"Omg, you're gonna so judge me about this but...I have Pride and Prejudice"

"Hahahahah that's so funny"

"No it's not! I knew you were gonna judge"

"Okokok, we can watch that if you want to"

"I do" I said with a smily face.

I played the movie, and we sat on my bed. It was so comfortable being with him. I'm not gonna lie, I love Pride and Prejudice, but I love kissing him more! So, we spent the majority of the movie kissing.

"I really like you Jup" He said

"Awww, I really like you too Spidy"

We continued kissing for a minute or two.

"You smell so nicee"

"Thanks, many people said that to me"

"Really? That's funny...you know, there's something about your smell that makes me remember something and I quite can't figure out what. You smell like...like..." And then it hit me. I stood up

"OH MY GOD! OH MY FUCKING GOD. You smell like...Peter?"

It all made sense now. OH MY GOD, It all made fucking sense. He is Peter. Peter is Spiderman!.

Aaaand that's a wrap! I'm so tired rn. It's 2am and i'm still up doing this lmao.

Well, see you soon. Hope you liked it!
See ya!

SAVED BY YOU | Peter Parker/Spiderman x Male OCWhere stories live. Discover now