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The Supernaturals are split into 6 faction or classes,
these are;
First, Manipulation, the ability to manipulate and control something or someone, Considered as the most powerful faction in the world of the supernaturals, Manipulators are cunning individuals mostly untrustworthy.

Second will be Emanation, The ability to create something from nothingness.

Third, Transformation, composed of two types, Mutants, are those who have unusual physique commonly mistaken by Humans as monsters, and transmutant, those who looks like a regular human with the ability to change into another form.

The fourth faction is the Reinforcement, most call them supports. The power of the reinforcements are most essential in a fight, reinforcements come to an aid of another. A common misconception stated that Reinforcements are weak and boring but in actuality, They are the second most powerful faction to exist.

Fifth is the Elementals, Those who have the ability to control the different elements, most common are fire, water, wind, and earth. Elemental is considered the weakest faction.

Lastly, the special faction, Those with the ability indistinct and do not fall under the other five factions are called special.

Now, Eirene Faye Silvers belong to Class Manipulation

She's known as the bitch who likes playing with the newbies, Manipulating them into doing everything she commands them to do. It's an image given to her by everyone who knew her, or thinks they knew her.

But Eirene mean no harm, She's just having fun and besides,

it's a way to train her ability.


"Babe, Kali called me last night." Celestine begun as she approached her girlfriend chatting with her best friend.

Eirene faced her girlfriend with a raised eyebrow.
"What? No Good morning?" She said as she glared at her.

"I'm sorry, Good morning babe." Celestine greets and gave her a quick peck on the lips. "Good morning, Zel." She also greets her girlfriends best friend in which she returns with a smile.

"Anyway, as I was saying. Kali called me last night and asked me to tell you whatever you're planning to do to the newbie, don't. Her exact words were, 'Not her, she's young, I don't want her to get traumatized.'" Celestine explained getting a spoonful of food from her girlfriends plate and shoving it into her mouth.

"What? I don't know what she's talking about." Eirene answered feigning cluelessness.

"Babe, I know you bumped into her, Kali told me. And I know how you get with the newbies." Celestine firmly stated and bravely glaring at her girlfriend.

"Fine. It's not like I'm actually gonna do something to her." The manipulator shrugged which earned her a look that can be interpreted as 'oh really?' from her girlfriend.

"I am not, okay?" She defended.
"I've already been warned anyway." She added with a quiet voice.

"Huh?" Celestine asked unable to hear her girlfriend.

"Nothing. I said I promise I'm not gonna touch her." Though still doubting, celestine just shrug and decided to believe her girlfriend.

"What's it for her anyway? I mean, Why does Kali care if I play with the newbie?" Faye curiously asked.

"Oh, that. She's her new roommate." She briefly explained not expecting the other woman with them to react.


"Ah yeah."

"Kali didn't tell me." With that reaction, Eirene faced her best friend giving her a teasing look.

"Why would Kali tell you? It's not like you two are still together, right Izel?" Izel rolled her eyes then slumped back on her chair.

"Yeah." She sighed defeated in which the two lovers laughed.


A ray of sunlight seeping through the window of the room awoke Bella up from her sleep. Stretching her limbs, and hearing a few cracks gives her satisfaction.

She got up from her bed and goes straight to the bathroom for her daily morning routine.

Figuring out the silence Bella realizes her roommate was not in the room when she woke up.
"She must have a morning class." She thought. As for her, She was given a week to settle down before she's required to attend class, therefore, she's going to roam around and explore the place.


After freshening up, I walked out of the bathroom and noticed a tray of food on the table at the corner of the room with a note attached to it, I decided to check it and got surprised by the note.

Hey, Bella! Good morning. I bought you some breakfast. Eat up!

Ps. Don't forget to wear your bracelet when you go out.


'Damn! Why is she like this? Last night she brought me dinner, now this.'

"Is she naturally this nice? Or She has a different motive behind all this?" I spoke to no one in particular, still surprised by the act of kindness by Kali.

"Should I eat this? Is this safe?" I debated with myself but eventually decided to just go for it and started eating, I'm starving anyway.
"Besides, She does not seem like a bad person." I spoke, cause she really isn't.

After I finished the food I decided to check my RWD or short for Ravenwood student device.

After opening it I found a message from Henry,

Good morning, Ms. Fireheart. I hope you had a good sleep last night. Message me if you need help with something.

I replied with a good morning to him and stated that I'll be exploring the school and I'll just send him a message if something came up.

Henry is nice, He was very accommodating yesterday and explained to me clearly some rules and regulations and this RWD and the Student Id card.

This RWD is quite cool. On the outside it looks like an ordinary phone but with a different feature and works only with regards to the academy, this can be used as a phone for messaging and calling other students, and it informs students with news and announcements.

The student ID card on the other hand can be accessed by inserting it on this portal at the back of the RWD, on the outside it's just a blank card with the name of the owner but it actually contain our other informations and the student points.

Now points are collected by the students for the purpose of the rankings, Class F (being the lowest) to Class A and then the three upper classes, Class S, Class SS and then the highest rank The triple S.

They say rank shows or indicates the strength of a student. Henry is already in Class A, being that he's already been here for 3 years. Once he reach the triple S he'll then be qualified to graduate.

It's quite complicated to understand but I think I'll get the gist of it sooner, Now I'm in class F since I just started, new students are given a thousand points, then you'll have to work on that and get more points.

Now, There's a rule, Students cannot drop up to 0 points or it will equivalent to Expulsion.

It's because Ravenwood is an academy that trains supernaturals to be stronger and wiser but not everyone has the privilege to train here, so if you're chosen then you have to show them why. Therefore improving is important and if you fail then you are not rightful.

Points can be collected by participating in events, completing a mission, excelling in class, or by duel.

Points are given by the professors and the academy staffs, except in duel, because It's taking points from the opponent.

To sum it up, I think training here in Ravenwood is basically playing a game. As simple as that. You gain more point, you win. You lose all, You're out.

And I'm here to win and I'm ready for it.

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