2017-2022 Reading List

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I thought it would be kind of neat to track what I read throughout University, so here is the list of things that I remember reading. There are many more which were not included, namely entries from the 2 volume set of the Norton Anthology for English Literature; a variety of poems were read that I simply can't recall. I know it was for my classes ENGL2901 (English Literature Pre-1660) / ENGL2902 (1660-1900) so a vast array of poetry and plays there. It's a shame. Anyway, here is a list, divided by year, of everything that I read, for school, and for fun.


1. The Code of the Hammurabi (Anonymous)

2. The Odyssey (Homer)

3. Steelheart (Brandon Sanderson)

4. Firefight (Brandon Sanderson)

5. Calamity (Brandon Sanderson)

6. The Canterbury Tales; General Prologue, Miller's Tale, Knight's Tale (Geoffrey Chaucer)

7. Why We Suck: a Feel Good Guide to Staying Fat, Lazy, and Stupid (Dr. Denis Leary)

8. The Rook (Daniel O'Malley)

9. The Clockwork Princess (Cassandra Clare)

10. Lord of the Flies (William Golding)

11. Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (Lewis Carrol)

12. Twelfth Night (William Shakespeare)

13. The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (Robert Louis Stevenson)

14. Macbeth (William Shakespeare)

15. Beer for Dummies

16. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (J. K. Rowling)

17. The Catcher in the Rye (J. D. Salinger)

18. Hawaii (James Michener)

19. Beowulf (Anonymous)

20. The Magician's Nephew (C. S. Lewis)

21. World War Z (Max Brooks)

22. Dracula (Bram Stoker)

23. Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep (Philip K. Dick)

24. The Black Donnelly's (Thomas P. Kelley)

25. On Directing Film (David Mamet)

26. A Very Short Introduction: Archaeology (Paul G. Bahn)

27. American Beauty Movie Script

28. The Old Man and the Sea (Ernest Hemingway)

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