Chapter 3

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The next morning as Liam was walking towards the kennels he happened to look into the staff lounge as he passed and he saw a curled up Alli snuggled into the blanket he had lent her. Sound asleep.

Not knowing whether to wake her or leave her sleeping he continued on his routes around the clinic and deciding to wake her up when he was done his rounds.

Looking from kennel to kennel he made sure all the dogs and cats and the variety of other animals all had their food and water. Finding an animal who didn’t have water he unlatched the door and got the bowl out and filled it at the sink.

He finished his rounds and headed back to the lounge. Just as he stepped in the bundle on the couch began to stir and two slender arms reached above the covers, stretching. “Good morning, hope you slept well” Liam spoke as he strode towards the counter to make his morning coffee, startling the sleepy Alli.

“Where am I?” she wondered out loud.

“You are at the Vet Clinic, you brought your dog in last night during the storm and fell asleep on the couch.” He replied matter of factly. “Of course I wasn’t expecting you to sleep here but you were very tired and I didn’t want to wake you.”

“Well thank you for letting me sleep but I really should have gone home,” she began to pull her damp jacket back on, shivering, “I have to take care of my animals.” With an edge to her voice she continued. “Can Callie come home yet?”

“First off you should stay for a coffee to get you warmed up, second Callie is ready to go home as soon as you want to take her.”

“I shouldn’t…” she started

Liam cut her off “You need to take that jacket off, your starting to shiver already and you havn’t even gone outside yet,” he walked over to the closet and pulled a his large jacket off the hanger, “Here wear this, it will keep you warmer and you can return it when you have time.”

“Are you sure?” she asked

“Positive, I don’t want you to be cold.”

“Thank you!” she said warmth filling her voice. “Well I better get going and take care of my animals.”

“Yes you should go, I’ll walk you to the kennel.”

Together they strode to the back where all the canines were kept.

“Well here she is.”

“Thank you, I’ll see you later” Alli replied with a questioning tone.

“Let’s hope not too soon for the sake of your dog.”

“Yes. Bye.” She said as she walked towards the door leash in her hand and Liam’s jacket over her shoulders and a huge smile playing on her lips.

A/N~ sorry the chapter is so short i hope to make the next one longer. comment and vote. thank you


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2016 ⏰

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