Chapter 1

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My name is Elaine Thornburry, I am 18 years old and the princess of Moria, but I wasn't always a princess.

When I was younger I had long blonde hair and big blue eyes the locals always said I looked just like my Mother.

It was only a few years ago that I became a Princess, my mother, father and I were innkeepers, the days were slow and there weren't many whom would stay at our inn. We tried almost everything we could think of but it was never enough, there would be moments in the winter where most would get stuck in snow storms and need to stay at our inn but it was only a for couple nights.

Even though we didn't have nice stuff like the king and queen, we were thankful for what we did have
But for me that all changed one terrifying day all thoes years ago.

My mother and father put me to bed on a cold winter night inside of our inn. "Goodnight my child, sleep well" My mother said as she tucked me into my not so soft bed

"Goodnight Mother" I yawn, "goodnight Father" I yawn again and both my parents chuckle, "sleep well" my father whispered just before shutting my door. The next day I woke up with my room filled with thick black smoke.

"Mother!! Father!!" I cough as I crawl to the door hoping my parents were ok, I grab the handle without thinking and burn my hand BAD

"AGH!!" I scream in pain and grab my hand and blow on it, I look around for any other escape and see my window, I crawl quickly to open it and once I do I get a strong breeze of freezing air and I realize I'm on the 4th floor, I look down to see mages and sorcerers trying to put out the fire whilst others watch in horror.

"Help!! Up here!!" I scream, the Mages and sorcerers look up

"Oh my god there is someone left I thought you said everyone was out!" One of the Mages said in terror

"We gotta get her down and fast, cause that building is about to crumble!!" Another yelled and waved the staff she had in hand, as soon as I knew it I was on the ground wrapped In a blanket watching my life literally burn to the ground.

"Wait where my Mother and Father!! Did anyone see the owners come out?!" I ask frantically, everyone shook they're heads and the inn that I lived in for my entire life crumbled to the ground.

My body went numb
My eyes began to blur
My legs became weak
Then I collapsed to my knees

My Mother

My Father

My home

It's all gone

After the fire destroyed my only home I was deemed homeless and an orphan, and since our kingdom doesn't have a orphanage I had to live in the street. For weeks I was scrounging for food and warmth and some days I didn't eat at all, but one day a miracle happened.

"Oh my are you ok little one?" The person said as they kneeled to my level, I looked up to see a beautiful woman with long Red hair and bright blue eyes.

I immediately realize that it's the queen and I scramble to try an kneel to her but I fall and land on her instead due to how week I was feeling

"Oh my you seem unwell" she looks around trying to see if there is anyone whom may be my Father and Mother

"Where are your parents young one?" She says in a worried tone, I look at her with tears in my eyes.

"They died in a fire " my voice cracks as I tell her what happened that day

"My my you've been through a lot how come no one has helped you before?" She asks as she picks me up, I remain quiet and she seems to have brushed off the question and began to walk, I wasn't sure where but it had to be better than where I was for the past few weeks. After a minuet or so of walking a man in armor with blond hair and green eyes riding on a horse stopped us.

"My Queen where have you been?! and why do you have a child in your arms?" The man looked at me in disgust.

"Oh Sir Perceval! I was just on a walk and I saw this child on the streets all dirty and cold so I asked where her parents were and it turns out they passed away" the man looked at me again and his face turned red in embarrassment.

"Oh dear..I- I'm so sorry"  the man bowed to us and got back on his horse.

"Oh and also my Queen, the King was the one whom sent me to fetch you he wants you back at the castle for an important discussion" after saying that the man took off on his horse.

"Well now my husband seems to need me why don't you and I head to the castle and see what he-" The Queen looked down at me to see I was fast to sleep do to my exhaustion the Queen smiled and continued to walk back to the castle.

The Orphaned PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now