VII. You Have Demon Blood

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   Chapter 7,
    You Have Demon Blood

  "He has demon blood!" Tikki shrieked as she clenched her hands into a tight fist.

  The two girls have been arguing about giving the newcomers a chance, and how they shouldn't be so closed minded but Tikki wasn't having it. There's a story behind why Tikki is so closed up, and it's not because of their father's death, but for a complete different reason.

  "Stop saying that, he and his little sister Tuk do not have demon blood. Besides so what if they do? It isn't our place to judge!" Mi'kayah raised her voice, she was exhausted of arguing over something so small like the Omaticaya clan coming here for shelter.

  Tikki looked at her older sister and grabbed her dangling braids in annoyance, she tugged on them. This was a method Tikki had so she didn't lose her patience, she had horrible anger issues.

  "Why are you even hanging out with him? He is not one of us and he never will be!" Tikki asked, that was the thing that set Mi'kayah off.

  "You are just like Aonung! Stop judging people before you get to know them!" Mi'kayah hissed, now they were standing in front of each other.

  All siblings argue, it's the circle of life, but when Tikki and Mi'kayah argue, it isn't just an argument. It's a screaming match and if they're angry enough, they begin to get physical. If Tikki keeps pushing, Mi'kayah would be the first time initiate the fight.

  "You know what Mi'kayah, if you want to be around them then go ahead. You'll be known as a traitor in my eyes though."

  That's what set Mi'kayah off, Tikki doesn't get a say in who she can be friends with. Without thinking, Mi'kayah rushed at her sister. Now as the two are Na'vis and not humans, their fighting was a bit more vicious. Tikki took out her hunting knife, which was a bit unfair as Mi'kayah doesn't have a weapon.

  "You're the traitor!" Mi'kayah hissed as she tried to grab her sister's hunting knife. Tikki moved back, which only angered the girl more, causing Mi'kayah to slap her.

  The loudness of the girls caught Neteyam's attention as he was with Lo'ak and Kiri, speaking with Ronal, Saraiyah, Tonowari, Jake and Neytiri about their lessons.

  The argument was brought up the day after Mi'kayah hung out with Neteyam, Tuk, and Leia. Tikki found Mi'kayah by the ocean just watching the ilus swim by and decided to confront her.

  Speaking of confronting, Neteyam was the one who brought the shouting to the adults attention, and the look of realization on Saraiyah's face was priceless. Mi'kayah lost her footing and slipped, Tikki took this as her moment to tackle the older girl.

  "TIKKI STOP!" A voice screamed, it was their mother.

  Saraiyah noticed that her young daughter held onto her hunting knife and moved it close to Mi'kayah's arm. Something inside of Neteyam sparked, as he ran from his family and grabbed Tikki.

  Jake and Tonowari rushed to Neteyam's side and grabbed the knife from Tikki. Fights like these were always vicious and violent, even if it was for something very little.

  "Both of you, in our marui. Now." Saraiyah's voice was dangerously low as she looked at he two daughters with anger.

  "She started-"


Jake and Tonowari stepped back from Tikki and watched as the two girls rushed to their hut. Something is going on with Tikki, and Saraiyah needed to figure it out.

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