XV. Late Night Swims

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    Chapter 15,
     Late Night Swims

  When eclipse had finally came, the girls had walked to their marui and got ready for bed. Mi'kayah's mind couldn't seem to turn off though, she was worried that something was going to happen, and that it would be her fault if she didn't speak on it. Although she told Ronal, Mi'kayah felt like that wasn't doing much and it was going to cost her.

  So once everyone fell asleep, Mi'kayah snuck out of her marui and walked towards the lake. She sat down and took a deep breath, the water was what calmed her down most of the time, but now it wasn't working. It wasn't until then that Mi'kayah's breath quickened and tears began to form in her eyes.

  She didn't dare wake her mother up nor Ronal or Tonowari to talk to them about how she felt, so she sat there and cried in silence. Mi'kayah didn't have many responsibilities like Neteyam, yet she found herself carrying the burden of her father's death. It wasn't her fault, she was only nine years old, how could have she known?

  "Kayah, is that you here?" A voice boomed, as footsteps walked towards her.

  Mi'kayah wiped her tears to the best of her abilities before looking up to see who had discovered her. To her surprise, it was Tonowari, he had returned late from the war party.

  "What is wrong, daughter?" Tonowari's voice softened as he noticed the girl's state.

  He took a seat beside her, and waited for her to speak up. Tonowari had stepped in as a father for Mi'kayah's father, he knew it would be hard for Saraiyah to raise her girl's alone. So he and Ronal promised to help be there for her, for everything.

  "It is my fault he died, my fault!" Mi'kayah sobbed as she looked at Tonowari.

   The man didn't say a single thing, he wrapped his arms around her and hugged her tightly.

  "Mawey 'itetsyíp, what happened to your father is not your fault. You were only a child, clueless of consequences." Tonowari stroked Mi'kayah's hair as he continued to explain that it was an accident.

  Mi'kayah was only nine when she decided to swim farther than she was allowed, causing her father to rush out of their marui to go get her before she got hurt. At the moment he arrived to the water, Mi'kayah had been deep into the water, trying to call for her ilu to save her, the water could be a safe or dangerous place depending where you were.

  Ne'lek, her father, tried his best to keep his daughter above water as he swam with her to shore. However, they were in the danger zone of the water, and an akula had spotted them. Mi'kayah had to witness her father fight off and get away from the akula. She also had to watch him die due to the akula attack, she was the reason.

  "Your sempu was a great man, he kept you three from harm. He died doing what he enjoyed doing, keeping his daughters safe." Tonowari smiled as he kissed Mi'kayah's temple.

  Mi'kayah slowly calmed down, but she still felt upset. There was a comfortable silence between them, until Tonowari began to sing her songcord.

  "I may not be your sempu, but I would die to keep not only Tsireya and Aonung safe, but you, Leia, and Tikki." Tonowari whispered, before pulling away from the hug.

  Mi'kayah smiled at the man, she was glad that he had loved her for her father, and kept her safe for her father. Tonowari was a man of his word, and if he promised to keep Ne'lek's kids and wife safe, then he was going to keep them safe.

  "Let's swim for a bit, I will show you the different place your father loved going to." Tonowari suggested as he got into the water.

  Mi'kayah smiled a bit before nodding her head, she still had memories of her father, but she wanted to be more closer to him. What's more closer than going to his favorite spots and talking about their memories of him?

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