XVI. Freak Like Me

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  Chapter 16,
    Freak Like Me

  The day felt quite long for Mi'kayah and Tikki as there were no lessons for today, and it seemed like there were no duties for them.

  "I think I'm going to go find Kiri, and see if she would like to go look for shells with me." Mi'kayah muttered as she walked away from Tikki.

  Tikki didn't say anything but nod her head before disappearing off into the village, the two sisters were at peace with one another. Tikki finally decided to give the Sullys a chance, however that doesn't include Lo'ak. Mi'kayah took what was given to her though, she didn't push her sister into giving Lo'ak a chance.

  "Kiri?" Mi'kayah called out from in front of her family's marui.

  Jake and Neytiri appeared from inside and smiled at the Metkayina girl, they grew fond of her presence. Especially since she's the one who Neteyam is always hanging around and talking about, she made him very happy. Not just him though, Mi'kayah made their kids very happy.

  "I'm afraid you just missed her, she went off to the ocean to look at the fishes." Jake informed Mi'kayah with a soft smile on his lips.

  Mi'kayah kissed her teeth as she nodded her head, Neytiri was a very frightening woman, but it seemed like she would have never wanted Mi'kayah or her family to be afraid of her.

  "Irayo, Mr. And Mrs. Sully." Mi'kayah smiled as she turned around.

  The couple nodded their head and watched as she walked off, they knew it was only a matter of time before she and Neteyam would fall in love. Only a matter of time indeed.

Once Mi'kayah has gotten to the shore part of the area, she noticed Kiri was already in the water, facing down, almost like she was admiring the sand. She looked at peace with herself. Not wanting to disturb her peace, Mi'kayah turned around and began to walk away.

  "What is she doing?" A voice asked as two others began laughing.

  That caught Mi'kayah's attention, causing her to turn around. Aonung, Rotxo and two other Metkayina boys walked up to Kiri, and it wasn't for anything good. Having not heard what they were saying about her, Kiri got up from the water.

  "Huh, what'd you say?" Kiri asked, as she arose from the water, standing up.

  Something that Mi'kayah had always admired from Kiri was her bravery, she wasn't really afraid of getting bullied as she knew how to handle it. Yet, it bothered Mi'kayah, Kiri was slowly becoming her best friend, and getting bullied is not okay, let alone getting used to it.

  "Are you some kind of... freak?" Aonung asked, as if he was trying to dumb it down for her.

  Mi'kayah didn't know how much of his taunting did she tune out but she knew that she had heard enough. Yes Aonung was almost like her brother, but that gives him no right to bully.

  "Kurkung, leave Kiri alone." Mi'kayah defended as she walked over to her friend.

  Aonung rolled his eyes and looked at Mi'kayah.

  "You're pathetic Kayah, defending the forest freaks?" Aonung knew that Mi'kayah didn't agree with his antics, yet she never interfered until now.

  Just then Kiri began to walk away, Aonung and his friends following her, even grabbing at her hands.

  "Do not touch her Aonung, go away and leave her alone!" Mi'kayah scolded as she rushed back to her friend's side.

  Aonung decided that if Mi'kayah wanted to defend the people who have practically invaded their land, she was going to get bullied just like them.

  "Hey! Back off fish lips." Lo'ak called out as he walked over to the girls.

  Kiri rolled her eyes and sighed, she didn't want this to become a bigger thing than it is. Aonung mocked Lo'ak for having an extra finger while the others grabbed at his tail, causing Mi'kayah to shove Aonung from him.

"Stop touching them, Aonung." Mi'kayah couldn't do much, she wasn't that much of a fighter like Tikki nor did she have the attitude like her.

  "Who is talking to you, you are the greatest sin Eywa has ever made."

  Although they were just words, it hurt coming from Aonung. Timing couldn't be even better though, Neteyam and Tikki had walked over. Kiri shouted for them to be left alone as she grabbed Mi'kayah's hand, noticing the water in her eyes.

  "You heard what she said, leave them alone." Neteyam stated as he pushed Aonung away from both girls.

  Tikki clenched her jaw as she walked over to her sister, she didn't think Aonung would bully her too.

  "Back off, now." Tikki hissed as she looked Aonung.

  It was very tense, until Aonung raised his hands as if he was surrendering and nodded his head. Neteyam looked at Tikki, Mi'kayah couldn't have been more grateful for their presence.

  "Smart choice, and from now on, I'm going to need you to respect my sister, and Ma Mi'kayah." Neteyam glared at the whole group before turning around.

  As they walked away, Lo'ak and Tikki had heard Aonung make fun of not only Lo'ak's family but Mi'kayah.

  "Lo'ak, let it go." Tikki stated as she watched the Na'vi boy turn around and walk right back to Aonung.

  It happened in a blink of an eye, Lo'ak said he had a magic trick for Aonung that involved his pinky and then the rest was history. Neteyam hissed as he walked over to help his little brother from the fight.

  "Eywa, give me strength." Tikki mumbled under her breath as she rushed over to help the two boys in the fight.

  Kiri and Mi'kayah thought that fighting was foolish and unnecessary, but they couldn't deny the fact that was hilarious.

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