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Three || Fitting

"Good morning, princess." Robb greeted, steadying his horse beside Morganna's.

"Good morning, my Lord." Morganna greeted brightly, smiling at her betrothed and the man beside him. "I'm sorry to say we have yet to meet, my Lord."

"Not a lord, princess." The man laughed. "Benjen Stark, princess. It's nice to meet my future niece."

"It's a pleasure to meet more of my future family." Morganna's smile widened. "Though, if I remember correctly, Jon said that you are a man of the Night's Watch."

"That's right, princess." Benjen nodded.

"Thank you." Morganna said, catching Benjen off guard. "For protecting the Seven Kingdoms by manning the Wall."

"It's my duty, princess." Benjen bowed his head, realizing that what they say about the Baratheon princess was true; she was truly good, despite her family and their values.

"An honorable one." Morganna nodded.

"My darling." Robert greeted, guiding his horse to hers. "Are you ready for the hunt?"

"Yes, father." Morganna nodded. "Addam's found me a suitable bow."

"You don't hunt with a spear?" Benjen asked, eyeing the small bow connected to the princess's saddle.

"It's a weapon far too large for me." Morganna shook her head. "The bow can bring down a boar with one well aimed shot, and it's far less bloody than the spear."

"And my daughter is a damn near perfect shot." Robert stated proudly. "I'll bet she kills more than you, me, and her betrothed combined."

"Father." Morganna blushed.

"What?" Robert scoffed. "It's the truth. You're a damn good archer."

"I hear you're also good with a sword." Benjen mused. "Is there something you're not good at?"

"She's good at everything." Robert sounded. "Especially boar hunting. Come on, she'll show you."


When Morganna returned to Winterfell, she had indeed killed more than anyone else in her hunting party. She'd expretly shot arrows into the eyes of three boar and six rabbits, effectively finishing a successful hunt. Robert had beamed proudly as his daughter rode into the gates, proclaiming to anyone that would listen that his daughter outhunted them all.

Bran, who had seen the hunting party return, raced to the courtyard to greet the princess. He came to a skidding stop beside the princess's horse, grinning up at the girl with shining eyes.

"Did you really kill more than Robb?" Bran asked, watching the princess gracefully dismount her horse. "I heard the king say you did."

"I did, little wolf." Morganna nodded, ruffling the little boy's hair. "It's like he didn't even try."

"I did too!" Robb defended himself, dismounting his horse and standing beside the pair. "Your aim is just impeccable."

"Can I show you something?" Bran asked, not waiting for an answer before he grabbed Morganna's skirt and tugged her through the courtyard.

"Bran, mind your manners." Robb chastised, following after the pair. Addam trailed behind them closely, mildly amused at the young boy's antics.

"No, it's alright." Morganna shook her head, laughing along with Bran. "You're quite the excitable one, aren't you little wolf?"

"I just want to show you my favorite climbing spot!" Bran grinned. "Look, see this tower, I can climb all the way up to the top!"

"That's quite the climb, little wolf." Morganna mused. "Promise me you'll be careful when you climb it."

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