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Eight || Love and Loss

Cersei was livid. She knew that Morganna and Robb's wedding day was upon them. The capital was abuzz with news about the royal wedding, and Cersei couldn't stand that everyone was so happy. She couldn't understand how the people who should be giving their undying devotion to her were so enthused over the wedding of her precious daughter to the northern savage Robb Stark.

However, when Cersei felt cornered, that's when her true genius shines through. She devised a plan, one that would surely get her killed for treason if she ever spoke it out loud, while on her way to her daughter's wedding ceremony. She would have to continue to play the part of doting mother and overjoyed queen, but she was anything but happy at the turn of events.

Robb stood at the front of the aisle, talking nervously with his father. Ned reminded Robb that Morganna would be happy no matter what would happen today. Robert watched the boy closely, smiling gently as he came to the realization that Robb would take care of Morganna when he no longer could, and that was all Robert wanted for his daughter.

Cersei, still quietly seething, took her spot beside Robert, offering her perfectly practiced smile to those who greeted her. She wished to be far away from these people, but she had to keep up appearances. The high septon calmed the animated crowd, silencing the sept before the doors opened, revealing a bright light and a silhouette at the top of the stairs.

Robert Baratheon stood, climbing up the steps to reach his daughter. He extended his arm out to her, and she took it as the guards behind her closed the doors. She could hear the murmurs of the crowd as they took in her wedding gown, and she smiled proudly as Robert reached up and gently adjusted the tiara he had made on her head.

The ceremony went quickly for Morganna. One moment she is walking with her father, the next, she was cloaked in the Stark cloak and given the name. Luckily, she began to come back to herself at the feast after the ceremony.

Robb and Morganna sat beside one another in the center of the large table, both of their families sitting across either side. Robert sat beside Morganna, offering her a grin as she sat down.

The feast at the capital was far more tame than the feast in the north, but Robb didn't seem to mind it much. Here, he was able to truly appreciate the beauty Morganna possessed, and he couldn't be more grateful for quiet, southern weddings. He kept a loving hold of her hand throughout the rest of the day, watching her as she spoke to her family or addressed those presenting wedding gifts to the newly wedded couple.

Cersei couldn't stand the love and the praise Morganna was getting after she married that northern beast Robb Stark. She couldn't stand the thought of her daughter being a queen with a Stark man at her side. It would be the downfall of everything Cersei tried her best to create.for her children's future.

No, Cersei wouldn't stand for that. Soon, Cersei would execute her plan, and she would finally have the power she believed she deserved.


Morganna had been spending every moment she could with her husband, and the princess's happiness spread throughout the castle like the plague. The only person who was unhappy was Cersei, who had already set her plan into motion. Come end of day, Cersei would be in power.

Robert declared that because his heir had gotten married, he would lead a hunt in order to bring Morganna new hides for blankets. Morganna was excited by the idea, and eagerly waved goodbye to her father and his hunting party. Robb held onto Morganna's waist, smiling happily into her hair as his father and his father by law rode out of the castle.

"My wolf," Morganna giggled as Robb kissed the side of her head. "Let's eat lunch in the gardens."

"Anything for you, my love." Robb spoke, gently tickling her side. "Come on Jon, Theon, let's head down to the kitchen and ask them to prepare some raspberry tarts,"

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