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Eleven || Trial

Morganna sat on her throne, watching the silent crowd as she waited for Cersei and Jaime to be escorted in. Robb sat on one side of her, Ned Stark taking the seat on her other side. The guards arrived in the hall, carrying both Cersei and Jaime into court. Morganna secretly enjoyed the look of shame on Tywin's face when he saw the muzzle put on his daughter.

"On trial today is Cersei of House Lannister, and her own brother Jaime Lannister." Morganna addressed strongly. "They are accused of incest, and we will hear testimony today from witnesses proving this to be true. Then, they will have the opportunity to prove their innocence before a vote is taken."

Cersei scanned the crowd for her father, and smiled in relief behind her muzzle as she found him. She knew her father wouldn't let Morganna get away with an injustice against her.

Several witnesses gave their testimony, painting a painfully obvious picture of the incestuous relationship the twins had with one another. The final witness was also a judge, and Cersei's eyes widened when Ned Stark took the stand.

"Robert told me himself that Cersei was incestous. He knew that she had a hand in killing Jon Arryn, because he had caught on to the legitimacy of Joffrey, Tommen, and Myrcella. He suspected she had a hand in his attack, claiming that she was jealous of her own daughter Morganna for being his successor." Ned stated confidently. "He told me that Morganna was his own child without a doubt, and that he trusted her to bring Cersei and Jaime Lannister to justice."

Cersei laughed the moment her muzzle was taken from her face. She thought the whole trial was absurd, and was ready to get the shackles taken from her wrists so that she could go rest in her chambers.

"The accusations against me and Jaime are ludicrous!" Cersei stated. "House Lannister is a proud one, and I know that my father will not stand by and allow you to drag our name through the mud like this."

"Your Grace, if I may," Tywin asked, standing slowly. Morganna nodded, knowing that Tywin was firmly on her side with this matter. "House Lannister stakes no claim to either Cersei or Jaime. I only have one son, Tyrion Lannister, and three grandchildren as heirs to my castle."

"Thank you for clarifying, Lord Lannister." Morganna nodded. Tywin sat back down in his seat, giving his children a firm glare as he did so.

"I love her!" Jaime blurted. "You can't fault me for loving her!"

"I do not fault you for loving your sister." Morganna began, standing from her throne. "I do fault you for loving your sister in a way that produced three children over the course of several years. You committed a great crime, but you've also committed a great sin. I pray the Gods will have mercy on your children."

Cersei began to panic as Morganna, Robb, and Ned started speaking amongst each other. She glanced back at her father, who refused to look at his disgraced daughter.

"Father, please!" Cersei sobbed. "Please do something!"

"This court finds both Cersei and Jaime guilty of incest." Morganna announced, silencing the sobs of her mother. "You will be hung publicly tomorrow morning, in the sights of the Gods."

"What of my children?" Cersei cried, praying to whoever would listen that Morganna would be merciful.

"Joffrey, Myrcella, and Tommen Lannister are no longer your concern." Morganna stated firmly. "Take them away."


Morganna sat perfectly straight on the Iron Throne, those present for the trial long gone. In their place stood the noble men and women that resided in the capital, looking expectantly at the Queen. Robb, seated beside Morganna, focused his light eyes on his wife, watching her sit stoically with an enamored smile on his face despite the severity of the events prior to this meeting she'd called.

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