XI.They keep me thinking (Rolling in the deep, Adele)

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Nora pressed the bell and the door opened by her mother, Lily

"Hello my daughter!" Lily said hugged her daughter, Nora gave her a fake hug and a fake smile, a lot of fake stuff for her!

"Hello mom!" Nora said with the fake smile "That's Lewis my fiancé, Lewis my mother Lily"

"Nice to meet you Mrs Morgan!" Lewis said shaking hands with Lily

"Nice to meet you too Lewis!" Lily said smiling "Come in!" Lily said and they both walked in hand by hand

"Auntie Nora!" Elizabeth said and she ran at the arms of her aunt with Nora hugging her

"My love! Hi!" Nora said smiling and squeezing her, she turned her at Lewis "This is Lewis! Lewis is Auntie Nora's boyfriend! Lewis and I will got married this summer!" Nora said and Elizabeth hugged Lewis

"Hello baby girl!" Lewis said smiling and he kissed her hair

"Hi" Elizabeth said and she made clear that she wants to go away and Nora left her down

"Let's go to the others!" Lily said and they walked at the living room

"Dad!" Nora said and she hugged her father

"My daughter!" Henry said and he hugged her tightly "You must be Lewis!"

"Well I am! Nice to meet you Mister Morgan!" Lewis said and they shook hands

"Nice to meet you too Lewis!" Henry said with a smile

"Riley!" Nora said and she hugged her sister "Oh my God!"

"Nora! I missed you!" Riley said breaking the hug

"Ow! Me too!" Nora said smiling "Brother in law!" Nora said and she hugged Paul

"Hey Nora!" Paul said and he hugged her

"So, guys this is Lewis my fiancé and Lewis this is my sister Riley and her husband Paul!" Nora said smiling

"Nice to meet you Lewis! Welcome to our family!" Riley said smiling

"Thank you so much!" Lewis said acting a smile, they all treated him so good and he will leave before they'll realise that!

"Lewis let's sit!" Nora said and they sit next to each other with Lewis placing his hands around her shoulders

"How long will you stay?" Lily said sitting next to her husband with his placing his hand around her waist, Nora rolled her eyes

"Just after the lunch then we will go back in Monaco" Nora said with an ironic smile

"Why? Is Lewis has a race?" Henry asked

"No my dad... I just don't want to be here and I want to get ready for my wedding!" Nora said smiling at her father, Lewis now is curious, Nora treats good at her father but she hates her mother

"When will you get married?" Riley asked

"We were thinking about this August in Monaco" Nora said smiling "And I want to do that alone with Charlotte! She'll help me!"

"Okay! We just wanted to help!" Lily said smiling

"Help of get fucked?" Nora said at herself whispering and only Lewis heard her

"I cooked Nora's favourite meal! Pasta Carbonara and for Lewis because she told me that you are vegan I cooked pasta with broccoli the same sauce as Carbonara! I cook he sauce vegan!" Henry said and they all stood up

"Thank you Mister Morgan!" Lewis said smiling, they all walked at the table, Nora sat on her seat with Lewis sitting next to her, Nora was nervous so she started shaking her leg with Lewis noticing that. He touched her leg softly and her hand that it was there, as he squeezed it Nora stopped shaking her leg and she squeezed Lewis' hand as well

"We have red wine!" Riley said and she served everyone with red wine

"Thank you!" Nora said smiling


"I just want to hope that this is the last time you meet my mother, except from the wedding" Nora said sitting on a seat of the jet

"Why?" Lewis asked sitting next to her "Also I heard about a ski area!"

"I don't want now! I promise we will come but not now!" Nora said and she sighed "My mother cheats on my father with different men but my dad always, always forgives her because of us... I told him to got divorced from her, Riley and I have no problem but he said that be together and with her cheat on him it's better for us"

"What?" Lewis asked shockingly, he really did not expect that

"She's a monster Lewis and that's why I hate her and I don't want her around me!" Nora said and she sighed "I want you..." Nora said whispering and looking from the window

"What? I didn't hear the last!" Lewis said smiling

"Better!" Nora said smiling at Lewis

"My angel, you can do whatever you want with the wedding but you have to decide in which venue because we need to book a lot of things!" Lewis said and Nora nodded

"I know... A lot of stuff..." Nora said nervously and Lewis kissed her arm

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