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[A/N; Unais Omer-Hakimi^^^]


Throughout the plane ride, my feet kept bouncing up and down. I was fucking glad there were only five of us flying first class today because with how pissed I was, seeing too many people would definitely set me off.

It was an irk of mine.

Passing through the security checks after landing was fairly easy since I had no luggage with me and I was using my UAE passport.

Thank fuck I thought to bring it.

Plodding through the exist gates, I scanned the parking space for the familiar Bentley continental GT. Catching sight of the onyx colored convertible, I marched to the drivers side and knocked on the window.

The door opened a second later and Nikita exited the car and stared at me searchingly. Hands itching to squeeze every last bit of air out of her lungs and watch the life fade out of her eyes, I shoved her against the car.

"How long?"

She winced, saying nothing in reply.

"How long damn you!?" I shook her violently by the shoulders.

She gritted het teeth, refusing to say anything. Not wanting to piss myself off the more, I shoved her away from the door and pulled it open.

Ignoring her helpless expression, I revved the engine and tore out of the lot. 

Every single one of them was fucking insane.


That lowlife of a woman.

How could she have my actions monitored!? Was she fucking crazy!? I could sue her for infringement of privacy and stalking!

What was she doing it for? To gather blackmail material? For what? Money? Pressure me into helping her get father to move back to that dumpster of a country?

"Over my damn dead body!" I sneered.

It was a miracle how I made it back home in one piece with how fast I was going. Not bothering to kill the engine, I headed straight to the gym in the backyard.

The one thing I loved more than the free lays money brought me was definitely our gym. Father pulled no punches when he had it built.

The place was freaking huge with a standard Olympic short course swimming pool in the middle. All around were gym equipments ranging from machine rows and elliptically trainers to dumbbells and yoga mats.

Anything gym related you could think of, it was there.

Stripping down to my boxers, I dived into the pool, moaning at how right the water was. The rush of the water in my ears made the buzzing in my head to quiet down a lot and I let go and swarm like my life depended on it.

For the next one hour, I gymed like crazy. I wanted to just fall asleep after a nice hot shower.

I was woken up by the ringing of my phone. Annoyed, I pulled it out to see it was Unais FaceTiming me.

Stretching to switch one on the bedside lamp, I propped up against the pillow and accepted the call.

"This better be important or I'm selling your spleen," I said when the call connected. He was sitting on a black leather chair with the backdrop of the night sky

"Why not my kidney? It'll fetch a nicer price right?" He replied, sounding confused and curious. His head was a bit tilted and it made his brown locks sway slightly.

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