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I watched their backs as they strolled away, talking and smiling. They sure have gotten a lot closer since the last time I fucking saw them.

Instead of following after them and being disgusted by their sight, I opted to walk in the opposite direction where my estate was located. The Hakimi estates were designed in an L-shape with grandfather's at the centre.

Father's began the top of the L, followed by Uncle Josh's. After that was grandfather's, Unais', even though he rarely stayed here, mine, and the one being built now for Uncle Josh's newborn son; Sage.

When I arrived at the gates of the house, I stood and gazed at it. It wasn't overgrown with weeds, because the gardeners tended to it weekly. The only issue with the place was renovating it to my tastes.

The outer walls were made of white and cream stones and concrete, and I liked the colour so the interior should have a theme of white, cream, and maybe turquoise blue or emerald green.

My room could be remoulded exactly as it was back in father's place. I wanted an indoor gym and pool, preferably on the ground floor. The second floor can house the bedrooms, a library, because of the aesthetic obviously, a sunroom, a home theatre and a game room.

I would need a study and a small hall for gatherings. But the hall can be slotted in downstairs. I didn't want strangers up and personal in my private space. There should also be a foyer accented with plants and flowers, maybe have a grass carpet fitted somewhere, and the roofing above it can be glass.

Since the front yard had a nice lawn with palm trees, the back yard can just be modelled into a large swimming pool adjoined with a rest area. Then some feet away, there can be a wooden canopy under which I could place couches and tables, and maybe a grill area.

Yeah, it all comes together nicely.

Aliya's room can be modelled exactly like her room back in that woman's house. She was going to need a sanctuary if I was going to, 'show her care,' in the upcoming future.

I smiled.

I needed them to get to work as soon as possible, I had to get her off father's turf and onto mine.

Since I made it my mission to break her.

My phone buzzed, and I fished it out of my pocket. It was a message from Flynn, the manager of Night.

'You haven't been in for a while, we've got some new goods.'

Attached to the message was a picture. My brow arched and a smirk formed on my face.

Even the heavens were helping me.


I sent back my reply and made my way back to the direction I came from. When I entered the house, I saw none of them downstairs. I walked to the door by the staircase, knocked, and pushed it open only to see Nikita doing some weird pose on the yoga mat laid in front of her.

She was dressed in black yoga gear, a blue towel and water bottle settled within easy reach beside her. I leaned against the doorframe, watching her. When she turned around, she frowned as she drew her bloody back to its human form.

"Training to shapeshift?" I asked.

"What do you want?" She asked in reply.

"Where are they?"

"Why are you asking me about the whereabouts of your wife and father?" She wiped away her sweat with a towel.

"Because you're the head of security," I lazily replied.

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