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The hot water spraying from the shower worked magic, working out the kinks in my neck and shoulders. A faint sting came whenever the spray flowed down my neck, a telltale sign of an open wound.

That fish saliva.

Not even wanting to think about the sorry creature that was my 'husband,' I made quick work of cleaning myself and stepped out of the bathroom. After pulling on a lilac gown, I slung a white veil over and around my head before heading downstairs for breakfast.

When I entered the living room, I saw Uncle already having his breakfast with Nikita sitting on the second chair to his right. Their eyes moved to me when I approached, halting their conversation.

"Salamalaikum, good morning," I greeted, taking a seat on Uncle's left.

"Good morning, Mrs. Hakimi," Nikita greeted back, her hair, black and shiny, was braided and draped across her shoulder.

"Just Aliya will do," I said. "Have I told you, you have unusual pretty grey eyes? It compliments your skin very well."

And it did. She was not glaringly beautiful, but she had this tomboyish prettiness to her.

She cracked a smile. "Thank you, I get that a lot. You have lovely eyes as well."

"Please," I raised a palm. "Don't feel obliged to compliment back just because I did first."

"It's too early for your self-depreciation, have your breakfast," Uncle passed me a plate filled with fried potatoes.

I smiled when I saw the sauce had liver in it. "Did you call Auntie? How did you know I liked liver with my sauce?" I took the plate and started eating after a quick 'bismillah.'

"How can I let an opportunity to righteously call her slip by?" He arched a brow, looking smug.

"Sly man," I arched a brow back, and he shrugged. "How is she? And Ummi?"

"They're doing well, I convey to you their regards," he said, and I nodded. "So, about your studies."

I perked up, putting my fork on the plate. "Yes?"

"Luckily, this year's batch of medical students are just about to write the USMLE; the licensing exam. Seeing as this is going to be your home from now on, it's only right you get licensed by the New Jersey Medical Board since you're going to practice here. The students are currently holding cram school for three weeks, they're only a week in so you can join them for the next two weeks. The exams are going to be held four days after cram school, on the 5th of May so you get enough time to rest before taking it."

"What can I expect from the exams? It's all medicine but our syllabus and topics might not necessarily be the same right?" I asked, unsure.

"It's the same syllabus, it's just the manner of teaching and organisation of topics that's different since the knowledge standard is set by the World Health Organisation and WFME. The medical license examination has three stages designed to assess how well you apply the broad spectrum of knowledge, concepts and principles to evaluate your basic patient-centred skills. The first step is the multiple choice exams designed to test how well you apply basic, integral science concepts to clinical scenarios," he said.

"Next is the two separate exams, CK, Clinical Knowledge, and CS, Clinical Skills. CK is tailored to determine whether you possess the medical knowledge and understanding of clinical science considered essential for the provision of patient care under supervision. Clinical Skills, on the other hand, is a separate "hands-on" exam that tests your clinical and communication skills through your ability to gather information from standardised patients, perform a physical examination, communicate the findings to the patient, and write a patient note."

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