[Aomine Daiki]- Lips of an Angel

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This one is inspired by the song "Lips of an angel" by Hinder!^^

(I recommend reading each songfic with the song it's inspired from to really feel the feels!)
Y/n's pov
"Satsuki speaking! I'm currently unavailable so please leave a message and I promise I'll get to you as soon as I can!" I heard Satsuki's voice mail being repeated in the other room and quiet whimpers.

"Satsuki, I fucking miss you. I can't take it without you anymore. Y/n reminds me of you so much but there's something missing.." Daiki pleaded, I slowly got out of bed and made my way slowly to the other room.

Creeping up my way to the door and looking inside. Daiki was sitting in his study room looking at a picture and kept whispering to his phone.

"My girl's in the next room, sometime I wish she was you, I guess we never really moved on.. it's really to good to hear your voice but I know I won't hear you say another phrase different form your voice mail." He massaged his temple, looking at the picture, lovingly before caressing it.

"I never wanna say goodbye but girl you make it hard to be faithful.." oh, that hurt.

I watched Daiki stand up and go to the bathroom, the picture he was holding got me curious so I quietly tiptoed to his table and cautiously held the picture.

It was a highschool picture of him and satsuki, their smiles were so bright but the most important detail was, Daiki was holding satsuki's waist while satsuki was pinching daiki's cheek.

I knew they had a past but I didn't know it was intimate, and for him to compare satsuki to me, it hurt like hell.

I heard the bathroom door opening and I hurriedly went out of his study room.

I laid back in bed, thinking of a way to solve this, until I fell asleep.

The following morning, I woke up way earlier than Daiki, he was right beside me but I now knew that I reminded him of satsuki.

It pains me that he only sees satsuki in me, not for who I truly am.

I looked at Daiki and kissed his nose, "Goodmorning, Dai-chan" I whispered, only for him to move to the other side, groaning.

I softly smiled and got up, going to the kitchen to prepare breakfast. I decided to cook pancakes with vanilla milkshakes.

While whipping up the pancake batter, a pair of strong arms wrapped themselves around my waist.

"Goodmorning Satsu- Y/n, what are you cooking" he greeted, only for him to mistake me for Satsuki, again.

You're killing me, Daiki.

"Morning, Daiki. How was your sleep?"
I asked, I didn't turn around because I knew I would breakdown infront of him

"Mhm, so-so. Couldn't sleep last night so I went to the study room to fry my brain" he said while going to the kitchen table and sitting down in the chair.

"Were you really frying your brain or were you looking at your and satsuki's picture again?" I said, setting down my whisk and turning around looking at him only for him to stare at me with wide eyes.

I looked down at my feet and I could feel my lips quivering. "How did you know about the picture?"

"Daiki, you told me satsuki was your childhood friend that died bacause of a plane crash. But why didnt you tell me that you had an intimate past?" I mustered up the courage to ask.

"Y/n, I didn't tell you because-"

"Because what? Because it hurt you that I reminded you of satsuki?" My voice cracked mid sentence, and I knew he was starting to panic.

"Y/n, please, baby listen to me, I love you, you don't remind me of satsuki, I promise."

"Daiki, just come clean already, you wouldn't be crying last night if you already moved on!" I screamed at him, anger boiling inside of me, how dare he? After everything we've been through, all he did was think that I was satsuki? I was his coping mechanism?!

"Goddammit! Yes! I haven't moved on and I never will! It's been 2 years but I can't move on! I miss her, her presence, her smile, her voice, I miss everything about her!"

"Daiki, did you only date me because it would make you feel like Satsuki was still here with you?"

"Yes. I'm sorry, but you can never compare to her."

I showed him a genuine smile, all the anger within me vanished, I walked to him, grabbing his chin to look at me

I softly kiss his lips, "then, let's break up, Daiki"
787 words.

Yall- I'm not proud of this chapter, really.

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