[Akashi Seijuro]- Interesting

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Y/n pov
It was currently lunch, Shuna and I were under a tree at the garden of our school

"Y/nn, can I lay my head on your lap and take a nap?" She pouted and shook me, I looked at her confused

"Ofcourse Shuna, but may I ask why?" I patted my lap and she took it as a sign of approval and laid down

She sighed, "Ayama and I aren't really getting along, I think he's getting tired of me, of us rather" she turned to the side and begane staring of in the distance

It was silent till she spoke, "hey, isn't that Akashi-sama? I think he's looking for something or someone" she pointed in the building, I looked at where she was pointing

And indeed I saw Sei looking for something, he looked out the window and spotted me

When he spotted me, I swear I saw his eyes shimmering in scheme, oh dear lord what now?

He went out of the building and made his way towards us, Shuna was already gone because she was scared Seijuro would do something to her for cursing at him

"Y/n, what are you doing here? And we're did Akia-san go? I still have a matter to discuss with her." He said and sat down next to me and laid his head on my shoulder

"I saw how Shuna laid down on your lap, how does it feel Y/n" he asked as he took my hand in his

I blushed at the contact and looked at him lovingly, as he closed his eyes and hummed a song, a classical song

Minutes passed in complete silence, but it wasn't awkward, it was nice, just feeling others presence and enjoying it


"Yes, Sei?"

"May I lay on your lap?" He opened his eyes and his ruby eyes welcomed me with such love, I smiled and complied

"You don't have to ask, Sei" I said and he took his head off my shoulder and laid down on my lap

"It's common etiquette to ask permission from a lady, Y/n" as he laid his head on my lap, he looked at me and began playing with a strand of my hair

"I like this, let's keep doing this, I will use your lap as I please and only I can do this to you" he sat up only to kiss me and lay back down

I smiled and agreed, "only you, Seijuro" I ran my hands in his enchanting red hair and admired his features

His red colored hair that would set your heart ablaze (demon slayer reference anyone?) His ruby eyes that can enchant anyone that looks in them, his pink lips that looks so soft and kissable, his pale yet delicate and smooth skin, his sharp jawline that can swoon any women, and his pointed nose, everything about him was perfect.

"You keep staring, y/n, you know it's fude to stare" he chuckled and booped my nose, I looked at him embarrassed for being caught

"So this is what it feels like laying on your girlfriend's lap, interesting indeed."
528 words.

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