Chapter 11

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The grey wolf in the woods last night.

Was it a dream?

It sure felt like it.

My memories felt hazy as I combed my wet hair fresh from the shower. The long, dark strands curled to the middle of my back. From my room, I could hear the bustle below before dinner was set-up. This afternoon was eventful with everyone preparing for the big barbeque tomorrow. Of course, I couldn't do much, thanks to my ankle.

The men hauled in meat of all kinds — twenty whole chickens, trays and trays of sausages, ribs, and steaks with four huge kegs of beers that were rolled in an hour ago. They promised it to be the best barbeque ever with Faye's popular honey potato salad in honor of the young men in the family that trained abroad.

Whatever the hell that means?

I dressed in a light blue jeans and tanned boots with a white tank top. Dinner was supposed to be different tonight, and everyone seemed eager for the eldest brother's return. But something else shifted in the air once his presence entered the main house. An unease hissed through.

I've never seen him yet. Apparently, he was in the meeting room all day. I applied some pink lipstick and blush, trying to make a good impression at the awkward dinner table. I hope it wouldn't be more uncomfortable than it was already.

I sighed.

"Gosh, I can't wait to get the fuck out of here and go home," I mumbled as I placed on some mascara but tossed it on the table when I gave up completely and made my way down to the living room.

Alice, Brett, and the twin brothers were already downstairs lounging on the couches. I hobbled to them with my ever-trusty crutch and plopped down on a single armrest. I hadn't realized I landed in the middle of their conversation.

"He's in a fucking mood," Mike gripped.

"Isn't he always?" Brett added with a sharp breath.

Zack tossed and caught a football ball into the air as he laid lazily on the couch.

"But this time he's really pissed off... Like he could rip out your throat without shifting pissed." Mike continued. "It's because of the... the..." his eyes drifted to me, and I smiled but winced when he'd grimaced. "The neighbors that's causing trouble at the borders." He said, which sounded a lot like code talk now.

"We got the situation under control," Brett huffed, playing with the auburn strands on top of Alice's hair, who rested her head on his broad chest.

"I think he's more pissed off about the situation here at home," Zack said and pointed to me.

I scrunched my nose. How fucking rude?! "Why are you pointing at me, Zack?" I snapped.

He chuckled and returned to his tossing. "You'll find out soon, little Miss Fragile."

Little Miss Fragile?! I cocked my head back with my lips pursed.

"Yeah." Mike got up and walked out of the room. "Good luck."

I turned to Alice and gave a heads up, wanting her to explain what the fuck they meant. But she just smiled weakly and looked away. I blinked hard and stood up, wanting to retreat to my fucking room. I didn't want to go to dinner tonight with all the alarms going off if my head like bank robbery. It was making my damn head throb, competing with the one in my freaking ankle.

I moved as quickly as I could to my room and made a sharp turn around the corner.

That was my mistake!

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