𝟬𝟭𝟮: birthday girl

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act two chapter twelve.


liked by: charles_leclerc, irisblanche, arthur_leclerc, aliciahugo and 5,269,100others

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liked by: charles_leclerc, irisblanche, arthur_leclerc, aliciahugo and 5,269,100

augustisthebestmonth: happy 38th birthday 2 u

tagged: @irisblanche
view all 480,981 comments.

arthur_leclerc: it's iris' birthday??
charles_leclerc: i swear if you forget the special thing.
arthur_leclerc: WHAT SPECIAL THING?

userone: august really put effort into this one...
usertwo: at least he wished her a happy birthday this year

userthree: tell your sister to release her album
augustisthebestmonth: say please
userthree: please
augustisthebestmonth: no

irisblanche: i wish i wasn't related to you
augustisthebestmonth: it's the 38 year old dementia settling in
irisblanche: when i catch you 🙁🥊

grandmereblanche: august marc blanche. we talked about this.
augustisthebestmonth: je ne comprehend pas
grandmereblanche: don't try that with me.

landonorris: iris is 38?
irisblanche: OBVIOUSLY NOT??
augustisthebestmonth: she is

userfour: more years of shite music can't you die already
userfive: what is your problem?
usersix: you've got issues

augustisthebestmonth has restricted comments.

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liked by: augustisthebestmonth, irisblanche, charles_leclerc, oliviarodrigo, arthur_leclerc and 3,091,173 others

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liked by: augustisthebestmonth, irisblanche, charles_leclerc, oliviarodrigo, arthur_leclerc and 3,091,173 others.

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