𝟬𝟭𝟱: to the lovers

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act two chapter fifteen.

WAS THERE ANYTHING BETTER THAN LOVE? THE SHORT ANSWER WAS; NO. "A life without love, is no life at all"- Da Vinci. It doesn't matter whether this love stems from a significant other, or your friends, or simple thing like nature. There was just nothing better, nothing purer, nothing more fulfilling than love.

You met Iris Blanche when she realized she had not been loved. She had been a trophy, the punching bag and someone who you possessed not loved. There had been a time where Iris confused that with love but in reality, she had not yet met the love that made her heart skip a beat, or the love that she wanted to scream from the rooftops - which in her case would be in songs.

Previously, Iris had been pretty good at writing songs that didn't display her past relationship in the best light. Writing songs about someone she truly loved was something that had never happened to her, how was she supposed to write them? This was completely new territory and Iris didn't quite know how she'd land on her feet.

She wanted the happiness, Iris wanted people to know this love was good, it was better than any gift she'd ever received. But, love couldn't always be good. She couldn't write an album and not include the nights she spent wondering if she was the one, the nights wanting an escape from Monaco or the fact Scotty is always going to be a pain, he is always going to be apart of her life in one way or another. He was the bad dream that came to haunt her, and that needed to be addressed.

Iris wasn't writing an album for her ex-boyfriend, she never had been. That was never the audience.

Iris never wrote music with the focus just to simply be placed on her exes. There was much deeper meanings that journalists never wanted to discover.

There was truth, there was insecurities, there was fear and there was genuine love and adoration hidden in every lyric. Iris wanted music that you could relate to at atleast one stage in your life. Whether you were in love, whether you looked at yourself in the mirror and frowned, whether you wanted to move from your home and just get out.

Iris had been there. And she wanted you to know you weren't alone.

With her second album, Iris felt like she had really put herself out there. It felt raw, it felt open but most importantly it felt good. While her first EP had been a major achievement, she'd never felt this good about it.

Iris had poured every ounce of heart she had into this album.

Maybe that's why it felt so scary sitting opposite Charles Leclerc, who bobbed his head along to the melodies every so often and smiled when he heard a familiar note he had heard Iris playing weeks ago.

When you met Charles Leclerc about six months ago, he was a bit of a mess. His ex-girlfriend, who he'd left on very good terms with, still had boxes in his apartment, there was a moldy carrot in his fridge and most importantly there had been a hungover girl on his sofa - who had then jetted out the door seconds later.

When he clashed with her in the Bahrain paddock weeks later, to him (no matter how cheesy), it had felt like the stars had aligned. Their phones getting swapped and his idiocy when he realized Iris hadn't actually had a need to post on his instagram, surely it had been fate? Charles had never believed in fate but he swore he and Iris were fate.

They had to be.

The driver may have engaged in previous relationships and been in love, but he had never been so in love. He had quite literally punched someone! And while his maman didn't approve of violence, he couldn't help but have smiled at the bruises on his knuckles.

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