15. I want her as my Mumma!

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Rudra and I went to her room and she was sitting there resting her head on the headboard with tears rolling down her cheeks. She didn't even care to wipe them off while they continued to flow. Rudra sat beside her while I sa at a little distance.

"I am missing him more today," She breathed out with her head resting on Rudras' chest while he caressed her hair in a comforting manner. How I wish to pull her into my arms and wipe away all her sadness. But sadly I can't do that. Not now at least when she is angry at me. But I will make sure that every bastard who made her like this will cry the tears of blood. 

"Shhh... mere bachha! He is always with us, remember?" (My child) He said planting a kiss on her forehead.

She nodded and wiped away her tears with a sad smile. She is so vulnerable and it is suffocating me to see her like that.

Rudra fed her food and she had it silently. 

"Stay with her for some time?" Rudra asked me and I nodded immediately. He gave her a last glance and kissed her forehead before leaving.

"Riya, I ..." I was about to explain myself but she cut me off.

"Leave, Mr. Malhotra!" She said without even sparing me a glance. Her attitude is hurting me but I know I deserve this for hiding the truth from her. She has the right to be angry.

"Riya..." I tried again but she again asked me to leave. It's irritating me now. I held her shoulders and yanked her closer to me making sure not to hurt her with my grip. She tried to wiggle out of my grip but failed.

"Now listen to me! I am sorry that I hid it from you. But, I did all this for his safety. I lost the ability to trust people after I lost my sister but I started trusting you from the day we met. I wanted to tell you everything after this marriage. Trust me!" I said with our faces inches apart. Tears rolled down her cheeks which I wiped away with my thumbpad and attached our foreheads.

"I know... I know I have no right to be angry at you for not trusting me given the fact that we know each other for just a few days. But, I am feeling betrayed knowing you knew everything yet, you chose to let me stay in the dark. It hurts me knowing you don't trust me. It hurts more than I can express. I am feeling helpless." She said fisting my shirt weeping bitterly. 

"You have every right Riya! You have every right. And I am sorry for making you feel like that. I trust you bachha! I really do. I was planning to tell you everything once we return to Mumbai." I said caressing her hair. I was really planning to tell her everything and propose to her once we go back but she came to know the truth in the most unexpected way.

"We can't be the same again Shivaay! We can't! Go away," she said pulling me closer. Her words and actions are contradictory but I know she herself is having a battle between her mind and heart. She is not ready to trust me again, but at the same time, she doesn't want to leave me.

"I don't like you. Just go away!" She said weeping on my chest. I pulled her closer and made her sit on my lap. She didn't object or tried to get away.

"I know rabbit! I am going to win you back at any cost. I am not leaving you. Not now, not in the future. Never!" I said kissing her forehead. She cried for a while and dozed off. 

I placed her on the bed and covered her with a comforter. I walked out after kissing her forehead. Rudra was standing on the balcony staring at the stars. I walked to him and stood beside him.

"You love her, right?" He asked after some time not looking at me. My head snapped toward him and I kept staring at him.

"I know you do, and I know she likes you too. But, don't hurt her. Ever!" He said in a warning tone. He is very protective of his sister and best friend. 

"Never!" I replied. He patted my shoulder and walked away leaving me alone. I took out my phone and dialed Rahul. He came within a few minutes.

"Who?" I asked in my usual cold tone.

"Arora!" Was his monotonous reply. My hands curled into fists listening to his name. He was a rival who was ruthless and could go to any extent for money and power but today he crossed all his limits by trying to attack my family. Now even his minister father cannot save him from me. 

"I want him to suffocate before death. I want him to feel death will be more easy than the torture we give him. I want him to suffer. I fucking want him to beg me to kill him!" I roared and Rohan left after saying an okay.

I raked my hands through my hair trying to plan something that could make her forgive me. I can't afford to lose her. I can't live without her. She has become a beautiful addition to me which I never intend to leave. With those thoughts, I went to my room and dozed off. 

The next morning when I woke up, I was wished with shocking news. I was not expecting this. Rahul came to my room saying Riya had left for Mumbai saying that she had some emergency work and as the marriage and other ceremonies were done no one stopped her. We are supposed to leave tomorrow but she left early.

I am not going to give up on her. Never! But she needs time for herself. So, I will not disturb her for a few days. I was lost in my thoughts when Druv walked in with a cute pout on his lips.

"Good morning Papa!" He wished me with a smile and I lifted him and wished him morning kissing his cheeks.

"Where did Riyu bui go?" He asked innocently looking around.

"She had some work bachha. So, she left early." I said caressing his hair.

"Papa..." He trailed off thinking something.

"Yes, champ?" I asked making him sit on the couch and sitting beside him.

"You became my papa from Mamu, right?" He asked giving me his puppy eyes which meant he wanted something.

"Hmm," I hummed asking him to continue.

"Can Riya bui become my Mumma from bui in the same way?" He asked with a lot of hope in his eyes. 

"For that, you dumb papa should marry her Druv!" Rahul butted in making me glare at him. He gave me a sheepish smile and settled Druv in his lap.

"Papa marry Riya bui, please!" He asked folding his hands and giving his puppy eyes.

"Hmm, for that you should stop calling her bui!" I said acting like I thought for some time.

"Then what should I call her?" He asked cutely.

"Mumma!" I replied with a mischievous smile. It's going to be fun now. I want to see her angry kitten face when Druv calls her mumma.


A/N: Hey guys! Sorry for the late updates. I was busy with my academic stuff. I will try to update once a week from now on! Enjoy reading! Love you all!

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