23. Happy moments

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We spent that night there and talked a lot about our lives and shared our moments with Nisha and Manik. Though we didn't meet when they were alive, they both really wanted us to meet and that was clear from the efforts they made to get us both interested in each other.

"You know Nisha once told me about your first time drinking," As soon as those words left her mouth my smile dropped as that day replayed in my mind. It was hella embarrassing. I actually didn't remember anything the next day but Nisha surely did and she made sure to remind me every time I irritated her. 

"Let's watch a movie?" I tried to change the topic. Anything but not this. But she caught me and a teasing smile formed on her lips as she shook her head in no.

"Okay fine! Go on and laugh remembering it," I gave in with a huff. She pulled my beard and climbed onto my lap with her hands around my neck. I wrapped my hands around her waist and balanced her.

"But it was really funny you know. How can you kiss your dad?" She broke into fits of laughter narrating how I was so drunk and kissed my father complaining how he rarely smiles and how cute his smile was. Nisha made a video of my rant and showed it to me the next day laughing literally rolling on the bed.

"It was supposed to be a cheek kiss but it just got misplaced," I mumbled quietly. I really intended to kiss his cheek but when Dad attempted to move away, the kiss landed on his neck, and for the next week we both avoided each other like the plague.

"Don't worry. Nik and Rudy had worse experiences than you," She uttered amid her laughs like it was supposed to make me feel better. Her words didn't take away my irritation but her laughing face surely did.

With her eyes closed and her lips parted showing her teeth, her one hand holding her stomach while the other wrapped around my neck, her melodious laughs filled the air around us making me want to stop the moment and keep admiring the angel in my arms. 

"Now that you know about mine, I want to know about your first-time drinking experience," I demanded once her laughter stopped. Now she was resting her head against my chest snuggling into me.

"I never touched alcohol till now so you may witness it live if I ever touch it in the future," She replied looking up at me with a smile. I kissed her forehead and nodded. A yarn left her lips and she cupped her mouth immediately. She looked like an adorable kid doing so and I kissed her nose making her giggle. 

"Let's catch some sleep, Moon. We have to go to work tomorrow," I scooped her in my arms and carried her to our bedroom. She snuggled into my neck and rested her head on my shoulder. She opened the door and I carried her into the bedroom. 

I made her lay down on the bed and got into the bed from the other side. I covered us with the blanket and soon she rolled towards me and placed her head on my chest and placed her hand on my torso making me smile. I wrapped her in my arms and kissed her forehead and caressed her hair until she drifted into sleep. 

Once she fell into deep slumber I called Rahul and asked about Dhruv and how he was doing. He said Dhruv was quite excited about our marriage and had already slept after informing everyone about his Papa and Mumma's marriage.

I chuckled at my son's cuteness and slipped into covers beside my Moon and pulled her onto me again. She sighed in her sleep and moved more closer to me pressing herself to my side. She is such a koala. My cute Koala.

Next day

My sleep broke but I was not ready to leave the bed. I turned to the side and searched for Riya, spreading my hand with my eyes still closed. When I didn't feel her presence I opened my eyes and found the bed empty. I slipped into my slippers and searched for her in the bathroom, closet, and balcony but she was nowhere to be found.

I started to panic thinking of someone taking her away and rushed down only to find her in the kitchen with her hair tied up in a bun and busy making dough balls. I walked to her in faster steps and hugged her from behind making the dough in her hands fall onto the counter.

"What happened, Shiv?" She asked turning around and cupping my face in her small dough-strained hands making me smile. 

"I didn't find you when I woke up and got scared thinking you know... someone took you away," my words came out in a complaining tone and she kissed my forehead with a gentle smile. 

"I am here, Shiv. No one can separate me from you. We have to make a small cute family, remember?" she asked rubbing my cheeks with her fingers and I could feel the coldness of the dough on my skin and beard.

"Are you planning to coat me with the dough, Moon?" I asked with a smirk playing on my lips and she looked at me confused. I held one of her hands over my face and bought it in front of her eyes. It was only when she saw her hand did she realize what she had done.

"I...I didn't realize," She smiled cutely looking down. Her cheeks turned pink in embarrassment and she looked really cute like that covering her face with her hand and smiling with her eyes cast down.

"I just took a shower and you applied dough all over my face. You deserve some punishment right?" I picked her by waist and made her sit on the kitchen counter. She looked at me with wide eyes and shook her head in negative.

"Shiv no," She squeaked trying to push me away but I held both her hands and pinned them behind her with my one hand.

"Yes my Moon," I took a step forward and stood between her legs. She was shaking her head in no but that sweet shy smile on her lips gave away what she was actually feeling. I nodded my head in yes and inched closer to her face. 

Our noses touched when we were busy with our little game of nodding heads making her eyes shut close. I dipped my head to the side and pressed my cheek to hers and rubbed her cheeks with mine applying dough there.  I repeated the same with her other cheek.

"Shiv, you are done applying, right? Now leave me," She pleaded but her hands are clutching my shoulders pulling me closer. I dropped my head on her shoulder and smiled into her neck before placing a kiss there.

"Your words and actions are contradictory, darling," I kissed the hallow of her neck and placed my hand on the dry dough collecting it on my palm. I held her neck with the doughed hand and dragged my hand down till her exposed cleavage. She let out a gasp and pushed me away before stepping down from the counter.

"It's not fair, Shiv. I just applied on your face, right? Then why did you apply it on my neck?" She pointed her finger towards me with an angry pout. I held her finger and turned her around before collecting her in a back hug.

"When did I say I play fair, Moon?" I swayed us from side to side and soon she too started dancing with me forgetting she was scolding me a while ago. Once I became sure she was not angry anymore I took a clean cloth and wiped off the dry dough from her body. I then rinsed it under the sink and wiped the wet dough from her cheeks. She took the cloth from me and wiped the dough off my face with a smile.

"Let's cook something, I am damn hungry," I kissed her forehead and picked the rolling pin to make rotis while she made the dough balls with a smile after kissing my cheek. We both prepared the breakfast with a few talks here and there and ate it before starting for home. 

She said she wants to see our baby before going to hospital. I decided to stay home today as she had some emergency today and she was required to go there. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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