19. The talk

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When she told me about her idea of quitting her job or taking a break in her words, I felt angry about everything around me. Angry about the situation that pushed her to think of taking that decision, angry at me for getting her into this, angry at her for being ready to throw everything under the bus in the blink of an eye. 

I know and understand her love for Druv but, it is not the way. She should not compromise on the career she worked hard to make just like that. I know how much this job means to her and how hard it must be for her to take the decision she took.

I don't want to deal with this matter with anger. I want to make her understand things. Right now, she may feel it right to do but what if she doesn't feel so after a few years? What if she feels like she wasted her efforts and hard work for us? It won't be good for any of us as she might start blaming our baby unintentionally and that doesn't keep any of us happy.

We had our dinner in silence as we all fed each other. I and Riya both didn't want to bring up this topic in front of Druv so we stayed put until he slept. Once we made sure he was fast asleep, I held Riya's arm and took her to my room. 

"Are you really serious about it?" I ask, my voice a mere mumble as I look into her eyes. Those always-smiling eyes held a mixture of uncertainty and concern in them. While I am against her quitting her job,  I don't have any right to force her to do the opposite. I mean no one has the right to make career decisions for another person. It should be their personal choice. If I am to support Riya if she chooses to work, I should also support her if she wants to quit. The only right I have is to try to make her understand the situation and that is what I am planning to do.

"I am, Shiv. And no, this is not some impulse decision. I was about to take a break long back to take care of our baby when I came to know about Nik and Nisha. I had also sent my resignation to the authorities. The situations turned out different and I had no reason to quit after that. But now that our baby is with us, I want to do this." Her voice laced with determination as she spoke looking straight into my eyes, her hands gripping mine with a hidden request to see it from her point of view.

"But what about your parents? And do you think Manik and Nisha would be happy seeing you giving up your career for Druv?" I ask. Even if she wants to do this, I am not sure if her parents would appreciate it. Which parent would want their daughter to quit her profession to look after a kid who has no relation with them? And after seeing the way my and Druv's parents reacted to the entire situation, I highly doubt her parents agreeing to it.

"I have talked to Mom and Dad about it at the time of Nik only. They were okay with my decision. About Nik and Nisha, they will be happy as long as we all are and my happiness lies in you, our baby, and us." She took a step forward cupping my cheek and whatever she said made sense but I was unable to accept it. It is maybe because I feel like I am forcing her to do this.

"Don't go there. You are not forcing anything on me. I am doing this on my own. It's not like I am quitting it permanently. I will rejoin work once everything settles. I promise." She says softly as if she can read my thoughts. After hearing no reply from my side, she continued.

"Okay, let's do one thing. I will do my job but I will do only the consultation part and take a break from the surgeries. I won't be called up at odd hours in that way and I will attend surgeries when it is very important. Please," She pulls out her lower lip in a pout as she gives me her best cute puppy eyes waving my hand to and fro making me bite my inner cheek to stop myself from smiling.

"I am not forcing you to do your job or quit it, Riya. I just don't want you to compromise on anything in life. Heck, I want to bring the entire world to its knees for you and you compromising on something for us is not settling well with me," I confess. I want to give her everything she desires in a snap of a finger and the idea of her compromising for something is making my heart feel the prick.

"Why don't you buy the hospital where I work then?" She utters playfully as she throws her hands around my neck and lands her head on my chest snuggling into me. I place a kiss on her head before pulling her into a tighter hug.

"Should I stay back for tonight?" She asks once we break the hug, her hands still in mine and we are still very much closer to each other.

"Stay forever," I request with vulnerability and separation laced in my voice. I know I want her in my life and there is no going back now. She makes my family complete and I want it to stay so, forever. With danger lurking around her and our baby, I can't afford any other mishap in my family that competed after years.

"You know I can't right?" Her voice was low and frowns appeared on her forehead as she looked down on the floor, not meeting my gaze. 

"Will you stay back if I get your dad's approval?" I inquire. There are zero chances of getting her father to agree to it but I want her to stay with us and I can go to any extent to make it possible. Her eyes bore into mine, filled with helplessness and concern.

"I promise to stay within my limits. I won't cross any line. I just don't want to stay away from you when I have finally got you, Riya. You.. you can stay in another room if you want. I don't want you.." My ramble came to an end when I felt her lips on mine kissing me.

That kiss was unexpected and took me off-guard. But I came back to my senses soon and started to kiss her back. My hands found their way around her waist while hers tugged my hair pulling me deeper into the kiss. Her lips felt soft on mine as she sucked on my lips dominating the kiss and I let her. When she pushed her tongue in my mouth, I couldn't hold back anymore and started dominating the kiss and she let me do so, responding to my tugs on her tongue and sucking with her sweet moans.

"It's not about you staying within limits, idiot. It's just that I feel we are moving so fast. Like we just got together and you are asking me to move in with you!" she exclaimed, still panting for air. Her lips turned a little swollen and red due to the kiss.

"Oh!" I let out a nervous chuckle scratching the back of my neck. I am not sure what to say anymore. I just look up at her embarrassed and she burst out laughing.

"You are so funny, Shiv. I will visit you both daily, okay? But this staying together should wait for a while." She replies and I give her a fake smile. It did hurt but she has a point too. No matter how much we are in love, it's been just a few months and she has every right to take her time before moving to the next step.

"Good night!" she wishes me with a smile and I mutter a good night with a smile. When she turned around to leave, I tugged on her wrist and yanked her back which led to land her on my chest.

"Sleep with me," My words made her gasp as she looked up at me with her eyes and mouth wide open. When I recalled what I had just said and how it sounded I shook my head vigorously, a desperate attempt to decline the meaning that words made her feel.

"I...meant sleep on my bed together, nothing more. Just sleeping!" I uttered hurriedly and she laughed at my red face while I whined internally. Why the heck am I behaving like this?

"You are so cute!" She pulls my cheeks and leads me to my bed. We got into the covers and I turned off the lights before scooping her in my arms. She rested her head on my chest and I kissed her forehead before letting sleep take over.

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