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Author's Pov

It never stopped. Snow had been falling for days. New Year's Eve. But it wasn't the best kind of Eve for the Campbell household. Fear crawled up in his limbs just like a mortal disease, and the old man crippled through the dirty floor like a squished insect. His eyes were begging, pleading for mercy. Silent cries from behind. The women and their little ones were praying for help.

But what was mercy in the wizarding world?

"Please don't kill me!" He begged and tried to beg for forgiveness. It chilled his shaky bones, feeling the creepy wind blow through the floor as with the tall dark figure.

"Where did you hide them, Campbell?" The dark warlock cautiously grabbed the man by his neck, yet so painfully hard that there was no time to think. His rasping voice frightened everyone.

"I didn't know what you were talking about, sir." His back hit the cold concrete wall, and the man cried like an underdog.

"Oh yeah?" Sebastian Sallow squatted down a little to look at his bruised face. The pitiful man couldn't help but whimper, forced to look into his deathly eyes. Sebastian's.

"You know that's not an answer I want to hear, right?" Sebastian slowly ran his wand around his neck, digging the tip painfully. Campbell was sweating and panting so hard. He was shocked and helpless as he slowly gazed at his family. He knew there was no way they could escape from a dark wizard. A dark wizard like Sallow.

Silence. The weak old man never spoke a word as he closed his eyes. He thought about the secrets that should lie along with him no matter what. Secrets of Darkest Arts, the ancient codex with heirloom should hide along as he dies. He gave up. His loosen body fell under Sebastian.

"You can't use legilimency on me, I erased them all" A small snigger crawled through his mouth as he glanced at Sebastian.


Anger. Pure vexation, that's what Sebastian felt. He stopped a foot away from him and pointed his wand straight forward at him. Campbell's eyes widened with terror.

"Imperio" The spell was strong. Strong like commanding, mighty and powerful. Sebastian's eyes glowed in green.

Only a second, it took him. Campbell slowly took the knife laid on the floor, slicing it through his own neck deeply.

"Nooooo!" His wife screamed but never dared to come closer to the dark wizard. Taking a few steps away from the lifeless body, Sebastian eyes now came focus with her and the children. The flowing blood already forming puddles next to the dead man. Sebastian showed no remorse at all.

"That's what happens when you are a blood-traitor, Campbell"

He has done it before, He will do it again..


January 1896

Underground of Whitehall, London

Her croc block dark-heeled boots clacked rhythmically as she walked across the wooden floor. Some glares were at her sight, and some men even raised their eyebrows. She wore a vintage high-waisted plain maroon skirt and a white shirtwaist with gloves. Lizzie removed her black coat as she entered the underground hall. The hall looked rather cozy and warmer than the outside. Her hair was styled into a Victorian-style bun.

She stood along with the queues of wizards to climb up the magical staircase. Her first days at the Ministry of Magic weren't so bad. The hall was busier than ever with witches and wizards. She eyed the peacock-blue ceiling, which is inlaid with gleaming golden symbols, as she climbed upstairs. It's been a few days, but she couldn't help but think about her last encounter with Sebastian Sallow. She worried about what he said.

Lizzie found herself in the passageway to the second floor, Department of Magical Law Enforcement. The Auror headquarters were located on the right side of the hallway. She nervously walked into the busy hallway.

Mr. Scamander, head of the auror office, welcomed her along with some other newly appointed aurors. The hallway was busy as usual. There has been chaos lately, as evidenced by some recent deaths. Some went missing without any traces. Lizzie was worried after hearing all the stories. She knew they might be related to all those incidents that happened a few weeks ago.

"I wonder what Mr. Campbell has to say. He sent all those seniors to Highlands. Apparently there have been some dark wizards wandering around killing muggle-borns." Lucas Stewart, her auror partner, interrupted her thoughts. He is a nice fella, as Lizzie described. Few years older than her, but she always felt comfortable working with him. He graduated from Durmstrang Academy, unlike most wizards in London. Lizzie remembered him talking about her Russian mom and stories, mostly when they trained together here. They both headed towards the main office, hoping to meet their senior, who most likely trained them as aurors.

Lizzie felt something unusual. Some whispers and silent talks. As young aurors, many still treated them as newcomers.

"What's going on here?" Lizzie looked curiously at the crowded office, which wasn't a usual thing in Mr. Campbell's office.

"No clue." Imelda replied as she joined them from behind.

"Something isn't right." Lucas furrowed his eyebrows worriedly and watched the sight.

Mrs. Addison had a sympathy look as they all entered the office. Many senior officers were talking worriedly. Lizzie tried to look for her senior, who's her instructor and, most importantly, who treated her as her own daughter on many occasions. But Mr. Campbell wasn't in his seat. Instead, there were some other high-ranked aurors.

"Good morning, everyone. We are all shocked and saddened by this news. Mr. Campbell, our beloved co-worker, was found dead yesterday night in his household. His family is missing right now in this moment." Mrs. Addison spoke.

"That can't be!" Lizzie's eyes widen upon hearing the news. Some loud gasps were heard across the room.

"I believed he had killed himself with a knife. But we are now looking for more clues, and we are not sure. His beloved wife and their children are missing," Mrs. Addison said sadly.

Upon hearing the news, Lizzie pulled back and widen her eyes in horror. Her jaw dropped, and she aggressively shook her head. He was like a father to all of them.

"That's bullshit! He would never kill himself!" Lizzie spoke loudly as tears streamed down her face. There's no way. Mr. Campbell is not a person like that. She remembered how he greeted her so happily on her first day. Who was there as a kind teacher all the time. Lucas, Imelda, and all the other aurors who trained under him were shocked, and some were in tears. That was heartbreaking news for all of them.


They all just stood there for a while. Lizzie found herself sitting in a corner with her friends. Lucus worriedly looked at her.

"I believe we have a mission ahead of us. Miss. Potter, Mr. Stewart, I want you both to find his family. There have been many rebels in the Highlands; we can't send our seniors. They are killing innocents. So, I want you both to go and find them immediately. I will send men if you ever need! You two were the closest to him." It merely came out as a whisper. Mrs. Addison went closer to them and spoke.

"Please, I trust you both in this. We can't let others know; it's dangerous, and we can't trust anyone." She desperately held Lizzie's both hands and looked at her.

For a moment, Lizzie closed her eyes and recalled her memories of the days she spent with Mr. Campbell and his family last summer. She felt awful.

Yet now she was determined. She was determined to save his family.

"I will, Mrs. Addison. I will make sure to bring justice to him." Lizzie replied at last.

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A/N- hello witches, I'm glad to say that ,i have decided a nice plot with lot of drama and events for this story! Hope you will enjoy! Please comment your ideas! Thanks for reading!!

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