~Chapter 1~

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Italics are thoughts. Posting chapters every few days, got like- 3 more sitting in my drafts eating dust.
If you see any mistakes please ignore or just inform me about it, I type too fast 😭


7:48 AM. School.


I was walking down the halls with my friend Yuri, we were pretty much talking about how some of the boys in our class kept staring at her and then I realized why it was, her damn skirt was too short!

"Yuri! You're god damn skirt is too short!" I said

"Oh really?! Oh god, that's quite embarrassing don't ya think?" She asked, I stared at her with a 'are you serious' look. This girl- how did she not notice?

She pulled down her skirt a little, and it still short but it was better than before. We went into class and sat down on our original seats, we were talking for a while until I looked to my side and noticed a huge dark tower I've never seen before. I blinked twice and suddenly I was on top of a huge building, I looked to my side confused and panicked but tried to keep calm even though this was the most strange this in the world..

I noticed there were tons of huge building around and when I looked down, I noticed many dead body that look like had fallen from here. My eyes were wide in shock but quickly snapped out of it when I noticed a man the was carrying a bat with blood all around it, something weird about him was that he was wearing this weird mask with a smile on it.. the masked man rushed towards me lifting up his bat about to hit me, but I moved to the side before the bat hit me and kicked him in the stomach hard.

He dropped the bat and I picked it up examining it.

"Hm.. you got a problem with me, dude?" I asked

The masked man never answer and slowly got up and tried to punch me, I stopped his fist from moving any further and used the bat to hit him in the side with it, he stumbled to the side and accidentally fell.

"Oh- damn I ain't mean to do that.." I said

I pressed my lips together and noticed another mask walking around, I gripped the bat, but the masked guy didn't have any weapons on him.. he was carrying a backpack and had a 'meh' type mask. The guy walked up to the wall in the middle of the building and put the down the backpack then walked away.

"Hold on! Wait!" I called out

He never turned to look at me and just kept going his way until I couldn't see him anymore. I walked towards the bag and opened it revealing a Glock 17 and some (f/s).

Yay! My favorite snacks!

I grabbed some and ate a little bit of it and then put it back in the bag to save it for later. The thought of this world came in mind again, where even am I.. is this a dream? So far it doesn't look or feels like one, if I can eat, taste, and move, then it can't be a dream.. right?

I picked up the backpack and put it on as I had the Glock on the side of my pants and stood up and realized I still had my phone. I took it and dialed the number to my parents, then my brother.. but they didn't answer.. the only one I wanted to try right now was Yuri's.. I dialed her number and she answer, I gasped..

"Yuri?!" I asked making sure it was her that picked up the phone.

"Oh my god! Y/N?! Is that you?!" She asked

"Yes!! Uhm, are you still in school?"

"No.. I looked at some weird dark tower and blinked before randomly waking up in this weird place.. it has many building and stuff.. I'm pretty sure it's not safe here from what I've gone through.. there's weird mask people here and they don't seem to be nice.. aside from the ones that have this weird 'meh' expression on they're mask.."

ℳ𝓎 𝒷ℯ𝒶𝓊𝓉𝓎~ - Sniper mask x Female reader ~ 🌸Where stories live. Discover now