~Chapter 2~

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Me and the girls were walking around through the building and got to a library, suddenly, a mask came from around the corner holding a dead body and dragging him around by the hair. The girls were kinda in shock and I looked at them for a good second before taking Mayuko's knife and throwing it at the mask's head.. bullseye.

"Hey!" Mayuko said as she went towards the mask and got her knife

"It's better than wasting bullets.. and you guys were just standing there shocked."

I said crossing my arms and pressing my lips together as I heard a few footsteps. I turned to look to my side and saw that sniper man and some girl hiding behind. I withdrew my gun and pointed it at the sniper mask, but he didn't have his rifle in his hand.. or even thought of taking it and pointing it at me.. huh..?

"Look, I'm sorry for earlier.. I didn't mean to shoot at you. I was being controlled by this stupid mask.. I only came here to drop off this annoying girl." Sniper mask said

He grabbed the girl's arm and put her in front of him and pushed her slightly towards them. She blushed only from his touch.. it's obvious she likes him already.

"Uhm.. sure.."

I said reaching my hand out for the girl, and she slowly walked up to me and took my hand. I put her to the side and looked back at the sniper. He signaled me to come over to him with his finger..(it's hot.) I nod at him and looked back at Yuri, Mayuko, and that other girl.

"L'll be back alright?"

I said walking away towards the sniper mask and followed him towards the hallway. I looked back once more and saw that girl with the blue hair glare at me.. is she seriously jealous I'm going to have a small little chat with her 'boyfriend'? Dawg who gets jealous over such things? Not that big of deal! It's just a small chat..

As I followed the sniper mask towards the hallway, he suddenly turned to me and stared at me with those beautiful dark eyes.. just admiring my face.. the way he looked at me.. kinda made me feel some type of way.. I could feel my cheeks heating up just a little..


"Just.. uh.. wanted to say sorry for.. you know..  punching you in the stomach..?" Sniper mask said

"Oh uhm.. it's alright don't worry.."

Why am I feeling nervous ?! This man tried to kill me earlier, and suddenly I'm feeling this weird way for him ..?

My thoughts were cut off by his voice

"I think I punched you too hard.. it must've of left a bruise.." he said

He kneeled down in front of me and reaching for my shirt, but then stopped and looked up at me.

"Uhm.. may I?"he asked

I hesitated and nodded looking away blushing like an idiot.. I suddenly felt his hand lift up my shirt just up to where you could see the full bruise, his eyes widened a little and caressed the bruise a little.. it hurt so much.. a soft whimper escaped my mouth which made the man flinch while an embarrassed blush crept up my face.

"O-oh sorry.. did I press too hard..?" He asked

I looked away and answered..

"No.. i-it's just.. u-uhm.. never mind.."

I said nervously.. I knew it was his touch that made me feel this way.. and the way he caressed that spot.. he was so gentle and caring. Is this why that girl felt that way too? She blushed just from his touch.. though I blushed just from his gaze.. I really am the romantic type after all.. I'm bout to pull a move on this man.. just watch..

ℳ𝓎 𝒷ℯ𝒶𝓊𝓉𝓎~ - Sniper mask x Female reader ~ 🌸Where stories live. Discover now