Chapter 28: Zoo (9)

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Sheng Huaihan let Chi Qiao rub against his fingers, and the little lop-eared rabbit held by her palm was as light as a ball of fur.

He stretched out his other finger to caress the rabbit's head with small lop ears, and played with the lop ears in circles.

"Where did the wild rabbit come from?" Sheng Huaihan whispered.

Chi Qiao, who was full of joy, froze immediately, her dark bunny eyes showed a little shock in a daze, and she looked at Sheng Huaihan without blinking.

He... looks like a wild rabbit? ?

Chi Qiao thought that she would be saved if she found Sheng Huaihan, but she never thought that Sheng Huaihan would not recognize him.

Seeing her motionless eyes staring at herself, only her little pink nose fluttered slightly in aggrieved ears, Sheng Huaihan's straightened mouth curved slightly into a smile.

Unable to hold back, he teased the other party's soft chin again, rua licked several times, revealing the soft belly covered with snow-white fluff.

Chi Qiao hadn't figured out any solution from Sheng Huaihan's crisis of not being able to recognize her, and heard him say something again.

"Spicy rabbit head? Will it be delicious?"

Chi Qiao: ...

Spicy rabbit head? ? !

The little lop ear that had been lying in the palm of his hand obediently to rua suddenly kicked the soles of the rabbit on his back, even the lop ear and the ball of tail shook wildly in fright.

Sheng Huaihan wanted to touch it with his hands, but was bitten by a pair of cute rabbit teeth with small lop ears.

Although Chi Qiao looked shocked and tried very hard to stop the approaching fingers.

But actually it doesn't hurt at all.

[Host host, he seems to be talking to the barrage. 】The system sound comes out.

Chi Qiao was stunned: "Bullet screen? Where is the barrage?"

[Players can set whether to display their own virtual screen in the live broadcast room. For example, I set it up for you to hide last night. Sheng Huaihan should also be hiding now. 】

[So he is probably repeating what he said in the barrage by talking to himself. 】The system laughed dryly, 【So the host, don't be afraid...】

【It probably won't really turn you into a spicy rabbit head. ]

Chi Qiao relaxed a little, and found that her teeth were still biting Sheng Huaihan's fingertips.

The black bunny eyes glanced at the other party with some guilt, silently let go of the teeth, stuck out the tip of the tender tongue, and licked it a few times soothingly, fearing that he would hurt Sheng Huaihan from biting him.

Sheng Huaihan stared down at the tiny tip of his tongue protruding faintly from his little pendant ear, and felt a slight moist feeling from his fingertips.

Of course he could recognize the lop ear, and there would be no one else but that pretty-faced little trash.

What's more, Chi Qiao's smell is very special.

After turning into a lop-eared rabbit, the fragrance on the body has a milky smell, which seems to be more delicious.

One person and one rabbit faced each other in twos, the surrounding wind seemed to stagnate for a brief moment, and there was a slight rustling sound in the distant weeds and woods.

Before Chi Qiao could react, Sheng Huaihan held her into her palm and stuffed it into the inner pocket of her coat.

Chi Qiao:! ! !

The snow-white and round fluffy buttocks were still stuck outside, and Sheng Huaihan poked the fluffy rabbit tail before completely retracting it.

Chi Qiao curled up in a ball in her inner pocket, and struggled several times before moving from the state of four paws facing the sky to the posture of head up, with half of her head protruding out of her pocket, revealing a pair of black rabbit eyes.

As soon as he poked his head out, he faced a creature that looked like a man and a beast.

Chi Qiao's drooping ears were suddenly tense with fright.

In just a few seconds, such a strange creature appeared out of nowhere in the wild grass where no creatures could be seen.

The strange creature landed on all fours, like a person lying on the ground in an extremely twisted posture.

But it is several times more inflated than a normal person. Its back, chest and abdomen are filled with flesh and air. It is about the superimposed thickness of several adult males. It is like an ellipsoid that may explode at any time. .

And the head is the size of a normal human, except that there are no eyes and noses on that face, only a huge mucus-stained open and close mouth, which is split from the vertical line in the center of the cheek to the sides, revealing the dark mouth and throat meat inside. Sharp teeth that cover the entire mouth.

The normal-sized hands and feet supporting it look like four spider legs in contrast to the swollen body.

The ellipsoidal monster was propped up in the grass, facing Chi Qiao, only a few meters away.

Chi Qiao could even smell the disgusting stench from that huge mouth.

Sheng Huaihan was still standing there motionless, looking like a very conspicuous live target to Chi Qiao, always feeling that the next second the monster would rush up and bite them into pieces.

Chi Qiao's front paws gripped her pocket tightly, she didn't dare to move under the gaze of the monster, she just hoped that this thing just passed by, please don't rush up.

The tree shadow rustled slightly again, and the elliptical monster turned its head sharply and looked to the other side.

Chi Qiao breathed a sigh of relief.

It's just that the luck didn't last for a few seconds, and another oval monster that looked like a strange spider entered Chi Qiao's field of vision.

Another one.

The rustling of tree shadows continued, and it seemed that a strange creature would appear every time the sound was heard.

The more Chi Qiao listened, the more frightened she became. She didn't dare to think about how many monsters of this kind had appeared around at this moment, and even the front paws that were pulled on her pockets were trembling silently.

"Hold on to your clothes, don't poke your head."

Sheng Huaihan, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly opened his mouth in a low voice, and stretched out his hand to press Chi Qiao's trembling little head into his pocket.

Chi Qiao was pushed back, her vision was completely blocked by her pocket, and the whole rabbit was still a little dazed.

Immediately afterwards, it was probably because Sheng Huaihan's sound completely alarmed several strange monsters around, and several superimposed sharp roars sounded in the dead zoo.

It almost made Chi Qiao's lop ears tremble.

It was so shrill and hoarse that it almost didn't sound like a living thing could make, and it forcibly split a person's consciousness in half.

Chi Qiao was dizzy from the yelling, but Sheng Huaihan moved.

He seemed to take a few steps calmly, in stark contrast to the crawling and roaring of those elliptical monsters, as if Sheng Huaihan was not facing a terrifying monster, but walking in the wild.

Chi Qiao didn't dare to poke her head, she just tucked her little head between her paws, and hugged a corner of the pocket fabric tightly to prevent herself from being shaken out.

However, it was not as violent as expected, but sat very smoothly.

[Fuck, what kind of monster is this... Did I go to the wrong live broadcast room? 】

【Pinch mother saw his wife opened the live broadcast room and rushed in, took off her pants and showed me what this is! ! ! good yue! ! ! 】

【Where are the monsters? All I saw was a bunch of super cute little lops huddled in their pockets... wait, lops? ? ? 】

【How did my beautiful wife become a little bunny

? Those who can see the situation beyond the anchor's line of sight, the stronger the banknote ability, the more they can see. It means that this time it is a big defeat of money ability, yes, gloating.jpg Seeing that my wife is not successful but is wilting.] The

barrage in the live broadcast room suddenly appeared in front of her eyes, and Chi Qiao was stunned.

Why did the system open the live broadcast room again?

[Hey, don't worry about it, this is the best time to attract fans for you. 】The system popped up,【After all, there is no one who doesn't like Tutu, right? No way no way? ]

Chi Qiao: ...

But it's good because he can know the situation outside through the bullet screen, so he doesn't need to probe to see it himself.

The ellipsoid monster looks bulky and swollen, but it seems to be surprisingly flexible, and the sound of its body moving rapidly in the air can reach Chi Qiao's ear.

The strange thing is that even though those monsters sounded very aggressive and roared from time to time, Sheng Huaihan was still steady, but turned around and backed away quickly from time to time.

Chi Qiao didn't even move her paw.

【Is this a player? He's so tall. He's wearing a limited edition haute couture shirt and coat? ]

[I can't see my face and it's blocked, but I think he must be very handsome... He's so amazing. 】

【Awesome, this movement can't be achieved after hundreds of rounds of practice, it's too damn strong. ]

[Ah, ah, a scheming man! I'm here to see my wife! Why does his wife whine in his pocket (Of course he is really super powerful, it is normal for his wife to look at him)]

Chi Qiao is in the situation, listening to the sound of collisions close at hand and gradually turning from fierce and sharp The sluggish and weak monster's cry, the psychological shock he received was the greatest.

Because he could feel that Sheng Huaihan's movements were not large, and maybe there was a factor of taking into account that he was a poor little trash in his pocket.

It's as easy as hitting several mad dogs at the same time.

Ah... It doesn't seem easy like this?

In a daze, Chi Qiao heard a roar full of despair and anger, followed by the sound of the wind, as if one of them was rushing towards Sheng Huaihan.

Chi Qiao Tutu subconsciously shrunk her feet even tighter, her ears pressed against her cheeks.

But the cry of dying seemed to stop suddenly two or three meters away, and the gurgling sound of sharp objects piercing flesh and blood was accompanied by the dying cry of being strangled by the throat.

Soon there was no movement.

Sheng Huaihan's coat was splashed with some black blood, but the side with Chi Qiao was still clean.

His expression remained unchanged. He was holding a branch of a tree that he had snapped off on the way. The tip was completely stained black with black blood, and the thick blood of the strange creature was still dripping down.

He lowered his head and saw the little guy in the inner pocket of the coat, as if he sensed that the crisis was over, he poked out his little white head, and stared at him with big round eyes.

Chi Qiao: "Ji!"

That's amazing!

Seeing Sheng Huaihan's heart itching, he couldn't help stretching out his clean left hand and rubbing the little rabbit's head and earlobe in a messy way, making Chi Qiao make several weak chirping sounds.

"There is only a mouth, which means that the eyesight is not good, and I guess the sense of smell is dominant." Sheng Huaihan opened his lips and spoke to the bullet screen that Chi Qiao could not see.

"Probably smelled the little guy." He didn't stop grabbing Chi Qiao's hand, but the audience in the live broadcast room already knew who the little guy he was referring to was.

There were several huge ellipsoid monster corpses spread out in the surrounding grass, Sheng Huaihan picked the nearest one away with a branch, revealing the bleeding wound, and turned the little ear over with the fingers of his left hand.

Chi Qiao was about to see the death of those monsters, but Sheng Huaihan moved her in one direction, and could only stand facing her pocket.

There seemed to be a wind blowing between the tree shadows, but Chi Qiao didn't respond when he heard the rustling sound that was obviously not a monster, but felt the hand rubbing his head stop suddenly.


The sound of flesh and blood tearing suddenly rang in his ears, much more intense than before, almost giving Chi Qiao the illusion that his head was already in the monster's mouth.

But what followed was panting and growling like a beast.


Duan Youan's voice suddenly sounded.

Chi Qiao was startled, her little head stuck out against Sheng Huaihan's hand, and saw Duan You'an standing in front of her.

Duan Youan's leopard ears and leopard tail appeared prominently on the top of his head and behind him, his peach eyes were slightly red at this time, his cheeks and hands were covered with black blood, and half of his sleeves were torn, revealing a clear muscles.

In front of him was an extraordinarily huge oval monster, almost twice the size of the others.

However, the big mouth on his face was firmly nailed into a sharp branch, and a few deep bloodstains were scratched behind him. It seemed that Duan Youan rushed forward to inflict damage on it.

The monster almost put on Sheng Huaihan's shoes, which shows that its speed is quite fast.

"He will die without you." Sheng Huaihan said lightly.

Compared with Duan You'an, his dignity and indifference are more obvious. If one ignores that the branch almost completely fell into the monster's body, he might really look like a good-looking rich man.

A branch that could be broken at any time, after a fierce battle, pierced into the body of the last monster like a sharp blade.

Ignoring the crazy barrage, Sheng Huaihan bent down and pulled out the branch, a small piece of it fell out stained with blood.

It's a broken ticket.

--[Aquarium Admission Ticket]

The author has something to say:

I was wrong and I will be thick tomorrow. Thanks for some excitement.

2022-01-23 17:46:12~2022-01-24 23:20:51 During the period, the little angel who voted for the overlord or the irrigation nutrient solution for me~

Thanks to the little angel who voted for the mine: Wangxian &. 1;

Thanks to the little angels of irrigation nutrient solution: 27 bottles of Wuying; 1 bottle of Dark Moon, 55002476, Miaomiaomeng, July 13, Cangcong, Long Night, Emotional Deficiency, and Prosperity; thank you very much for your support

, I will continue to work hard! ?

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