Chapter 34: Zoo (15)

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Fortunately, before Chi Qiao really passed out, Sheng Huaihan let go of his lips.

The little rabbit's lips were rosy from being sucked, and the tear film glistened as if he had swallowed a pool of moon springs. His fair face with red clouds appeared absent-minded, and he was breathing heavily with some difficulty.


Sheng Huaihan licked his lips with the tip of his tongue, and pressed against the top fangs. The wolf's ears and long tail were shaking or shaking in satisfaction.

As if that wasn't enough, he approached Chi Qiao's face again and carefully wiped off the remaining tears on Xiaotu's face.

Inexplicably, it seems to be licking the fur of a rabbit.

"Don't... itch..."

Chi Qiao's voice was so small that she could hardly hear it, and she was a little hoarse, as if being licked by a big dog, she narrowed her eyes and slowly turned her face to avoid Sheng Huaihan.

"I'm crying like a colorful rabbit, it's not too shameful." Sheng Huaihan was annoyed by him, and bit the little rabbit's ear.

The soft and fluffy ears were finely ground by the fangs, which made Chi Qiao groan a few times, but she still didn't look sober.

The torn murloc corpse next to it began to emit a damp and rancid smell. Duan Youan stepped forward and was about to take the murloc corpse away.

"Wait." Sheng Huaihan suddenly said, and put the little rabbit in his arms who was sobbing from time to time against the wall on the bench.

He walked up to Duan Youan, grabbed the head of the murloc that had been cut into three, and walked towards the passage.

Chi Qiao leaned against the wall and was dizzy for a while before she managed to wake up. The huge panic of being frightened by the murloc and causing cardiac arrest was greatly weakened by Sheng Huaihan's behavior.

He hugged his knees against the wall and was wiping the remaining tears from his red eyes with his hands when he felt someone sitting over.

Chi Qiao turned her head and saw the npc boy who was "abandoned" by them in the hut.

The tall and thin boy smiled apologetically, looking very polite but still not very energetic.

"I didn't expect to meet you here."

Chi Qiao was amazed that he could arrive here without any injuries, but the guilt quickly overwhelmed the surprise, and she didn't dare to look at him with a guilty conscience.

My mind is still not completely clear and it is still like a mass of paste, I hesitate and don't know how to speak.

"We...we saw you fainted at the time, so..."

The tall and thin boy's eyes fell on the back of Chi Qiao's pink neck, and his smile was faint.

"It's okay, you don't need to apologize."

"You can't take care of yourself anymore, and it's normal for you not to take care of me."

The boy's voice was soft, and Chi Qiao immediately turned her head to look at him, and most of the guilt in her eyes was smoothed away.

"There are many dangers on the road. Fortunately, I was lucky enough to pick up an admission ticket for the aquarium, so I was able to find this place." He

spoke in a straight-forward manner, a bit too correct and weird, but his face changed slightly in the next moment, and his eyebrows drooped , looking sad.

"Unfortunately, my girlfriend didn't come."

"Tell me, if I could have discovered the anomaly earlier, would she have survived?"

The boy said to himself sadly, Chi Qiao pursed her lips, guilt It deepened into sympathy, and the ears drooped listlessly, and the comfort that came out was dry.

"Holding... sorry..."

"Ah? I'm not blaming you." The boy suddenly changed his face to show surprise, and quickly interrupted softly, "I wanted to save you at the time, but I was afraid that I was not strong enough. We got entangled together."

"Fortunately, you turned into a rabbit, so you didn't continue to be entangled." "

You've all turned into rabbits, so of course it's impossible to save people, I won't blame you."

Chi Qiao seemed as if Something was wrong, but the guilt in my heart was deepened by these understanding words.

"Anyway, it's good to be here, and it should be saved..."

The boy said with a faint smile, and there was obviously another sentence in his mouth, but it was stuck in his throat.

"... Let's talk when you have time." After he finished speaking, he turned and walked to another corner.

Not long after the tall and thin boy left, Sheng Huaihan came back from the tunnel.

When Chi Qiao saw him approaching, the embarrassing situation just now appeared in her mind, her face flushed suddenly, her eyes were slightly rounded with anger.

Even though the situation is so urgent, he still wants to take advantage of the chaos by kissing himself.

He clearly has the ability to kill the murlocs, but he has yet to do so.

so bad!

Chi Qiao was waiting for Sheng Huaihan to walk in and then complained, but Sheng Huaihan's eyes didn't fluctuate, and when he sat down beside Chi Qiao, his lean upper body pressed against Chi Qiao.

"You...!!" Chi Qiao exclaimed in a low voice.

So hot! ! !

Hotter than before!

Sheng Huaihan circled Chi Qiao tightly like a human-shaped stove, and then rubbed his head against his neck. The two-buttoned collar was rubbed open, and his clavicle skin was quickly burned to powder.

Is this really the heat that the human body can bear? !

Chi Qiao was struggling non-stop from the heat, but Sheng Huaihan was so sticky that he refused to let go, his eyes were closed tightly and he seemed uncomfortable, and even his wolf ears drooped slightly. This was the first time Chi Qiao saw his fragile appearance.

It seems... It's been like this since seeing him grow wolf ears.

"Don't move... hug for a while..."

Sheng Huaihan's breath was hot as if it was burning, making Chi Qiao tremble.

"Okay...just hug it, it will be cooked by you after too long."

Chi Qiao said softly, trying hard to endure the heat of Sheng Huaihan.

Sheng Huaihan who surrounded him responded in a low voice, not sure if he heard Chi Qiao's words clearly.

Chi Qiao thought it was just a hug for a while, but he inexplicably fell asleep in Sheng Huaihan's arms.

When I woke up again, I was woken up by heat.

He was actually sweating from Sheng Huai's cold and heat.

The white shirt was slightly attached to the body and was slightly transparent due to the hot sweat. The earlobe on both sides had been steamed into light pink, and the knees and collarbone were also flushed, not to mention the beautiful face that was so hot that it was hard to breathe.

"I can't do it...really..."

He pushed Sheng Huaihan with trembling hands, but it was surprisingly easy. The tall boy who seemed to be in a deep sleep was just being manipulated by Chi Qiao and leaned against the wall.

This was the first time Chi Qiao saw him asleep.

It's a bit special, and I can't help but want to take revenge and tease it.

The lounge was still very quiet, and many people were falling asleep on the benches. Chi Qiao even saw Duan You'an lying on a bench, and he didn't seem too comfortable, with sweat on his forehead.

Only Chi Qiao was awake.

Quietly scary.

Chi Qiao felt scared again, she looked at Sheng Huaihan and was about to stuff herself into his arms again.

The ankles and hands were violently clenched and imprisoned.

Before Chi Qiao could make a sound, the slightly rough rattan tentacles immediately blocked his mouth.

This is really about to suffocate.

The air was blocked, Chi Qiao didn't even have a chance to struggle, her slender body was tightly wrapped, and the heaving of her chest gradually weakened.

Then there was darkness.

It took a long time to regain consciousness.

When her vision was still dark and blurred, Chi Qiao seemed to have heard the voices of two people.

A normal male voice, and a neutral voice with an awkward accent.


It sounded vague at first, but then it gradually became clear.

"He's very sweet and very fragrant. My mind is still full of the sweet smell of his blood." "I

think so too, it should be very suitable for breeding."

"Is it possible? Can rabbits also be pregnant?"

The conversation was silent for a few seconds Finally, one of them spoke leisurely.

"I remember that male rabbits are okay."

The author has something to say:

Of course not. Daba,

I created a meager account called Baitao, don't bobo, thank you. I said before that the baby who made a coquettish cover is still there. If you see it, you can. Send me a private message? Then I may post some rabbits and write some essays on it, um, just essays.

Thanks for voting for me during 2022-01-29 03:24:54~2022-01-30 03:50:26 The little angel who votes or irrigates the nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the rocket launcher: Maroon, Gululu 1;

thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: 1 Maroon;

thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: Wuying, Siyu 1;

thanks to the little angel of the irrigation nutrient solution: 10 bottles of Jiuniang Huaihuaizi and Niu Niu; 5 bottles of villain, 53291973, and Zanfei; 2 bottles of food; , 57076046, online, etc. Jinjiang distributes 1 bottle;

thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard! ?

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