Chapter 38: Zoo (19)

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"Well, a bunch of monsters did appear just now." Duan You'an said, "My head was so hot, and there were too many monsters, I didn't have time to save those npcs."

As he spoke, he looked at Chi Qiao again, who was hugged by Sheng Huaihan, most of the small face buried in the neck was covered by the ears, and the two calves hanging on the thin waist trembled from time to time.

It seems that he is still humming aggrievedly.

Then it was covered by Sheng Huaihan's voice.

"Isn't it just a favor, why are you still crying." While talking, she pinched the fluffy ears and wiped the tears on Chi Qiao's face, making the fluff wet a few pinches.

That being said, the tone seemed to be coaxing.

In addition to the faint sweet scent of the little rabbit, there is another smell in the air.

Chi Qiao was so ashamed that she didn't want to look up, but Sheng Huaihan forcefully turned her face away and wiped her tears forcefully.

"Stomach... hurts so much." He whispered.

"Stomach pain?" Sheng Huaihan frowned, and immediately looked down at Xiaotu's abdomen covered by his shirt, and stretched out his hand to pull up the hem of his clothes.

"Can it hurt just for a while?"

Chi Qiao raised her face angrily at these words, her pretty face was flushed and slightly moist.

"What do you mean just for a while? It's hot and painful like iron, who can bear it?"

The shirt was lifted, and the tender white belly turned red, which was shockingly pitiful, and there was a slight tingle around the navel. Broken skin.

"Look, I've said it all. It's all did it, and it's all your fault."

Chi Qiao pulled up her clothes seriously so that Sheng Huaihan could see more clearly what he had done.

The soft and slowly undulating belly is hard not to remind people of the snow-white plush belly of the lop-eared rabbit.

I really want to take a bite. Sheng Huaihan thought.

There is really no place that is not squeamish, just a few rubs can break the skin.

He was all focused on Xiaotu's face and upper body, whether he was about to cry or not, and didn't pay much attention to his abdomen. The most important thing is that at that time, the little rabbit was almost covered in powder, and the grinding marks just made were not very clear.

Aggrieved and annoyed, Chi Qiao emphasized the "wound" and sued Sheng Huaihan, completely unaware that the other party was thinking of more extreme things.

But he immediately felt the obvious tension and stiffness of the side waist where the thigh was attached.

The accusations stopped immediately, Chi Qiao's dark eyes looked at him with vigilance and shock.

"No, you can't..."

Sheng Huaihan looked at him quietly for a while, then stretched out two fingers to rub the little rabbit's belly.

The ointment that appeared out of thin air was spread on the skin, and the pain was suppressed in a cool and refreshing way.

Then cover the shirt well.

"Are you ready?" Duan You'an stood next to them and looked at their intimacy like an outsider, feeling inexplicably unhappy, "Where are we going next?" Above is the aquarium display

area, there is no light, only the darkness that cannot be touched , the bluish-glowing specimens of death breeders are like tombs that can't be seen at a glance.

"Not going anywhere."

Sheng Huaihan walked slowly to the corpses of the two monsters, the cowardly rabbit who was wronged but refused to let go hung on his body.

"The exit is here."

The black boots stepped on the tentacle man's head, and the sticky blue paste was squeezed out, and the segmented head with neat cuts was also crushed extremely flat, a blue The stone jumped out.

As if he hadn't stepped on enough, Sheng Huaihan looked coldly at the unrecognizable corpse's head under his feet, the toe of his shoe was crushed and crushed, and the sound of gurgling water kept coming out as he stepped on it.

Duan You'an saw that his actions seemed to vent his anger, and looked down at the blue stones in his hand.

--It was just pulled out from the corpse of the monster.

When they dragged the murloc corpse for disposal, they found this blue stone from the head. Obviously, it has a high probability of being useful.

"Where is the exit?"

The tree stumps and branches in the huge cylinder covered the entire space, and the surface of the cylinder, which was made of glass-like material, was smooth and hard, making it seem unbreakable.

"It doesn't look like it?" Sheng Huaihan took a few steps forward, his hands wearing half-finger gloves lightly pressed against the surface of the cylinder.

"The huge mother body extending all around, the root of the mutation in the whole zoo, is very reasonable."

Chi Qiao hugged his neck and blinked slowly a few times, feeling that Sheng Huaihan's words had become more and more like Du Lan.

On the back of Sheng Huaihan's right hand appeared a sharp claw that was almost transparent but could be seen in shape.

Alien dungeons like the zoo can use combat props, so there is no need to use them for nothing.

It's not that he can't use the beast's claws directly, but it will get his hands dirty.

"You want to cut this thing off directly?" Duan You'an took two steps forward, looking up at the giant in front of him.

If someone else tried to do this kind of thing, Duan You'an would feel that he was reckless, but this person was Sheng Huaihan, a player who could shred the head of a murloc in front of his eyes at a speed that was difficult for human eyes to catch.

"Well, end it soon." Sheng Huaihan responded.

There must be other ways to find the exit, and the current method of cutting off directly is obviously not a popular choice. Risky, but time-saving.

The main reason is that this dungeon is not difficult, but disgusting.

For example, pretending to be Duan Youan to coax the idiot Xiaotu.

He even dared to drag Chi Qiao into the monster's lair in front of Sheng Huaihan.

The tentacle man who had been lurking among the tourists and pretending to be an ordinary npc from the very beginning was even more disgusting. He was so sticky and sticky like a dog skin plaster coveting Chi Qiao. When he had no sense of existence, even Sheng Huaihan didn't notice the problem.

So it's better to end it as soon as possible, lest there be strange things popping up again.

"Take it, follow me later."

Sheng Huaihan pulled Chi Qiao's hand from his neck, and put the blue stone into his hand.

Chi Qiao became nervous inexplicably, looking at the blue cylinder in front of her that seemed to have no edge at a glance, she felt a strong sense of suffocation and drowning gradually rising.

"Just go in like this...?" Chi Qiao grabbed Sheng Huaihan's collar, her face was a little pale. The voices are trembling.

But subconsciously, he felt that he should trust Sheng Huaihan.

Maybe you should not think about anything and just trust him.

Duan Youan walked up to them, holding the blue stone in his hand, he had already believed in Sheng Huaihan's choice, and decided to be so reckless.

"I'll go in first. If there's no problem, I'll pull you in again."

Sheng Huaihan put the little rabbit back on the ground, but when he turned around, he was pulled by the corner of his clothes.

After leaving the heat of her chest, Chi Qiao felt cold again.

The tree stump inside the column is really too huge, and the countless branches and tentacles seem to be full of vitality, especially the densely packed and blinking fish eyes on the main body, staring at people's scalp numb.

The fear from the unknown was too great, and Chi Qiao wanted to rush in bravely, but she couldn't control Sheng Huaihan.

His lips were all white, his eyelashes were trembling while pretending to be strong but failed, and he looked at Sheng Huaihan with moist eyes.

The snow-white hanging ears on both sides are also clamped against the cheeks, looking really scared.

"...I will pull you." Sheng Huaihan was looked at in a daze, and his tone showed a little helplessness.

"I'm here, what are you afraid of?"

"Rabbit guts."

Chi Qiao's hand, which was holding the hem of his clothes, was held by Sheng Huaihan, and her thin white fingers were slowly opened, and then squeezed into the warm palm.

Sheng Huaihan didn't let go of this hand, but pressed the other hand on the surface of the cylinder, and the sharp claws on the back of his hand seemed to penetrate into the cylinder just like that.


There were several subtle cracking sounds, and several gaps were cracked on the surface of the cylinder, extending around like countless spider threads.

"...Wait, the liquid inside!" Duan Youan and Chi Qiao suddenly realized it, but before it had time, the surface had cracked.

However, the liquid that was expected to pour out did not appear. After the surface of the cylinder shattered, the blue liquid remained inside, maintaining its original shape.

"...Do you know that it's not liquid?" Duan Youan's surprised eyes fell on Sheng Huaihan.

"There is a limit to the thickness of objects that my thing can pierce."

Sheng Huaihan glanced at the sharp claws on the back of his hand.

"The cylinder is huge. If it is a liquid, it must be thick enough to support the pressure. The thickness must be at least one meter." "

But with the force I just used, it is impossible to pierce the thickness of more than one meter." "

So ...Actually, you don't know what's going on inside." Duan You'an was a little dazed.

Sheng Huaihan couldn't be sure of the situation inside, but he completely believed in his own judgment and carried it out without hesitation.

Dare to be reckless, and confident and smart enough to act quickly and sophisticatedly.

This is the gap.

System: [Good cow. ]

Chi Qiao looked down at the hand that was still clutching her, pursed her mouth and sniffed.

"He's so kind, I forgive him for his evil deeds just now."

System: ...It's quite easy to coax.

Sure enough, the boss is good, for him, he can easily abduct a foolish bunny.

[The matter just now was due to my quick reaction, so I closed the live broadcast room. ]

Chi Qiao blushed again at this incident, before he could respond, Sheng Huaihan in front of him had already walked into the inside of the cylinder, his whole body was covered in blue.

He held the blue stone he found from the head of the murloc, and there was no corrosion or other reactions after entering it, as if it was just suspended in it.

"Come in." He held out his hand to Chi Qiao.

Chi Qiao's palms holding the small stone were sweating, she still gritted her teeth and took steps, holding Sheng Huaihan's hand.

As long as Sheng Huaihan is there, everything will be fine.

I'm such a waste, I can't be held back by fear.

After being brought into it, most of the gravity disappeared, as if hanging in the air, and even the movement of the legs was much slower.

But he can still breathe, except for his slow movements, which are almost the same as the external environment.

Duan Youan also quickly followed.

"It appears that this stone is the key to entering this blue cylinder," he said. The voice was muffled, but clearly audible.

"I'm also guessing." Sheng Huaihan added, "These monsters have blue liquid in their bodies, and there is a high probability that they came out of here, so it can't be a coincidence that the same stone appears in their bodies." For

others , may try and die.

But Sheng Huaihan's conjecture was almost the same as the truth.

Chi Qiao digested his words in a daze, and the ear on the side of her face floated and swayed softly in the air.

The fish eyes crowded on the main body of the tree stump trembled violently after seeing the three people entering. The whites of the eyes were crowded and piled up, and the small pupils inside were shaking crazily and irregularly. The density was quite uncomfortable.

"This thing is transporting abnormal energy. Although I don't know what will happen if it is cut off, it shouldn't be too far from the exit." Sheng Huaihan wrapped his arms

around Xiaotu's waist and stuffed him into his arms. Clawed hands.

The three of them seemed insignificant standing in front of the tree stump, but Sheng Huaihan's indifferent face showed no sign of retreating, and they approached slowly under the fearful gaze of thousands of strange fish eyes.

The huge tree stump finally couldn't bear the shock, and countless branches and tentacles began to flick around in panic, but more of them rushed towards the three of them with clear targets.

"Rush in." Sheng Huaihan dropped a sentence, circled Chi Qiao tightly, and rushed towards the main body of the tree stump.

The hand with sharp claws changed its way of exerting force in the blink of an eye. With the explosive swing, the clothes on the arm were torn apart, and several veins burst out on the back of the hand.

The tree stump was cut open like this, and gradually expanded. The fish eyes on the surface were punctured one after another, and blue liquid was sprayed out.

It was as if a path had been opened in the main body, and the three of them followed closely, with countless thick branches behind them, and there was no retreat.

But Chi Qiao didn't feel scared anymore.

Sheng Huaihan was very warm in his arms.

[The muscles in this arm are amazing. ] The system was amazed.

[Probably spent points to temporarily increase physical fitness. 】

This hand... If you squeeze it lightly, its little rabbit host might be crushed.

No solution, this player seems to be on the hook.

It's no good that a copy of the alien is played as a tree-cutting game.

Getting closer to the center of the main trunk, Chi Qiao finally saw a dark passage appearing at the bottom of the stump, as if leading to another space.

"Is this the exit?" Chi Qiao turned her head and asked.

He was expecting Sheng Huaihan to nod, but finally he said, "I don't know."

Seeing Xiaotu's bright eyes suddenly freeze, Sheng Huaihan suppressed the smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Really, you'll know if you try it."

"Don't dare again?"

Chi Qiao knew that he was teasing herself again, so she didn't speak, and wrapped her arms around her waist with both hands.

Regardless of whether he exported it or not, Sheng Huaihan was the only choice anyway.

Sheng Huaihan couldn't tell if this was the exit, but somehow he had an intuition pointing to this place.

He never doubted his instincts.

then go for it.


Chi Qiao didn't know how long she had been shrouded in darkness. She fell down the passage all the time, with the muffled sound of surging water in her ears.

Fortunately, there was always a hand holding him, preventing him from being swept away.

Finally, a light appeared in front of her eyes, and Chi Qiao fell down.

Before she had time to hum two pains, Chi Qiao, who hadn't seen such a bright light for a long time, squinted her eyes and was so moved that she almost cried.

Still a showroom.

But each glass column is full of normal marine life, the ceiling is brightly lit, and some words are clearly written on the large posters on the wall.

[Congratulations, you have gone through layers of deception and danger to find the real aquarium]

[Follow the following instructions to find the exit and leave the mutated zoo]

[First, go through the tide of mutated beasts

ahead] Chi Qiao looked forward and showed At the exit of the passageway going straight out of the hall, there seemed to be an invisible "crowd" crowding in.

"It should be the last level before leaving." Sheng Huaihan's voice sounded from the side.

He pinched Chi Qiao's earlobe with his hands, and rubbed the softness with his fingertips several times.

"Put it in your pocket as a rabbit, and I'll take you out."

The author has something to say:

copy of the dormitory, ready to thank

the little angels who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution during 2022-02-04 04:16:39~2022-02-06 23:33:28~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: Maroon 1;

thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: Xueya, Zaizai is so cute, my big duck, Shen Chilie, Closts, 53736111 1; thanks to the little angel who irrigates the nutrient solution

: Jiaojiao is my little wife 20 bottles; Lanzhou, Closts 10 bottles; Nie 6 bottles; Weiliang 5 bottles; Long Gaogao, NOTHING 2 bottles; 1 bottle at 14 o'clock in Mumu and Chang'an;

thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard! ?

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