Chapter 1: Here We Go Again

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The Drac Pack ate lunch in the diner.

"So Ericka, what have you and Abraham been doin' since you know ... your shrink ray's gone?" asked Eunice.

"Making new inventions as usual," muttered Ericka as she ate her wormcakes. "It feels a bit ... boring... Maybe because we make new inventions almost every week."

Mummette nudged on Wanda a little.

"OH! Ericka, why don't you rebuild the shrink ray?" said Wanda.

"You won't be bored anymore!" chuckled Crystal.

"We'll help you for sure!" said Mummette.

"It'll be like a girl-building group!" chuckled Eunice nervously.

"No," sighed Ericka, fading all her friends' smiles. Wanda gave her the eyes. "And don't think about giving me the eyes."

"But why Ericka? We could have so much fun," whimpered Wanda.

"Sigh, how much trouble have we gotten into as a group?" grumbled Ericka.

The girls thought for a moment.

"Oh, a lot," chuckled Mummette nervously.

Wanda whimpered like a dog and looked at Ericka again as her ears flopped down. Eunice, Crystal, and Mummette also looked at Ericka.

"Fine," said Ericka. "But we need to be very careful, or all of your husbands will kill me."

The girls went downstairs to the lab, and Ericka got a box full of parts from the shrink ray.

"So is it like a puzzle?" asked Wanda.

"Kinda, you just gotta put the pieces of different parts together," said Ericka.

"Pfft, this should be easy," snickered Eunice, cracking her knuckles as Mummette and Crystal rolled their eyes.

Five hours later

The girls were almost out of breath.

"ERICKA- You said it was like a puzzle!" growled Eunice.

"It's a shrink ray, so there's going to be a lot of pieces, but at least we're done," chuckled Ericka. The shrink ray suddenly lit up. Uh? Why's it doing that?"

The shrink ray shot everywhere uncontrollably as the girls screamed and tried dodging. It hit boxes, chairs, and many more things.

"Sorry, we shrunk ourselves," sighed Ericka as the shrink ray hit her and her friends.


Ericka gently opened her eyes and saw a worried Eunice and Crystal.

"Ericka! Thank goodness you're awake!" shivered Eunice.

"This must've been how the boys saw the world when they got shrunk," whimpered Crystal.

"Where are Wanda and Mummette?" asked Ericka. Wanda and Mummette came along, running and panting. "There they are!"

"What do we do, Ericka?" asked Mummette worriedly.

"Yeah, I can't take any of this already!" shivered Wanda as she shook uncontrollably. She sobbed and hugged Eunice by her arm. "WE'RE GONNA DIE!"

"CUT IT OUT, WANDA! We need to figure out how to make ourselves normal size!" growled Eunice. "Do you have a plan, Ericka? You're the know-it-all!"

Ericka looked at Mummette and put her hand on her chin.

"Mummette, you can fly with your sand cloud, right?" asked Ericka.

"Yeah," said Mummette.

"I have three plans in mind. Plan A: Mummette uses her sand cloud and tries to turn on the shrink ray to make us our normal size. Plan B: We all climb and try turning the shrink ray on to make us normal size. And Plan C: We try telling the boys what happened so they can make us normal size," explained Ericka.

Mummette created a sand cloud and flew towards the shrink ray. She landed next to the button and tried pushing it, but it wouldn't budge.

"GUYS! I THINK WE NEED TO DO PLAN B!" yelled Mummette.

The rest of the girls struggled to climb the shrink ray. Wanda shivered the most since most werewolves were scared of heights.

When the girls reached the top, Wanda growled, "Did you guys forget that since werewolves don't climb a lot, we're scared of heights?"

"I'm sorry you're blaming me for something I didn't know about," grumbled Ericka. She looked at the button. "On the count of three, we push the button. One, two, THREE!"

The girls tried pushing the button, but it wouldn't budge.

"DANG IT!" growled Eunice.

"How are we gonna do plan c?" asked Crystal.

"Yeah, it's not like we can walk around with being stomped on," grumbled Mummette.

"There has to be something in here we can travel on," muttered Ericka as she climbed down.


Dracula wondered where Ericka was. He saw his friends passing by.

"Hey! Do you know where Ericka is?" asked Dracula.

"Nope. We're looking for our girls, too," said Frank.

"Maybe they went on a girls night?" said Murray.

"Kinda random for a Tuesday," sighed Griffin.

"Let me call Wanda," grumbled Wayne, getting his phone out.

As the girls walked through the invention room, Wanda's phone suddenly played a song. Wanda took her phone out and shivered when she realized it was Wayne calling.

"It's Wayne! What do I do?" shivered Wanda.

Mummette and Crystal looked at Wanda's phone.

"Baby?" said Mummette, questioning the name Wanda gave Wayne.

"With hearts and heart-kissing emojis," chuckled Crystal, moving closer to Mummette.

"Don't you call Griffin baby or babe, too?" grumbled Wanda as Crystal and Mummette laughed softly. "Should I answer the call?"

"Well, telling them what's going on is a part of our plan," sighed Ericka.

Wanda answered the phone as she nervously chuckled.

"Hey babe, what's up?" asked Wanda nervously.

"Uh, Wanda, I can't hear you clearly," whimpered Wayne.

"I'm sorry. I'll put my phone closer to my mouth," said Wanda. "Ericka's shrink ray shrunk us, and we need your help."

"Wanda, you sound like a chipmunk speaking real fast. Is something wrong with your cell service?" asked Wayne.

"What? Why can't he understand me?" whimpered Wanda, hanging up.

"Maybe it's because we're the size of ants, so they can't hear us clearly," said Eunice.

"Can't hear us clearly?! How are we supposed to do plan c now?" growled Crystal.

"They find us with a magnifying glass like last time," sighed Ericka.

Mummette's stomach suddenly growled.

"Can we make a pit stop at Quasi's kitchen?" asked Mummette nervously.

"Yeah, we did skip dinner," said Wanda.

"Fine, but we're definitely not walking," chuckled Ericka.

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