'The boy with a plastered smile' Kenji's angst

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Warning: I don't own anything also none of this is true I think. This contains angst and mainly abuse but all 

Many of them were talking, also just saying I had made rooms and stuff for them. Or somewhere just in their rooms.

"Ahem, attention please!" I spoke through the speakers, "Please go to the theater room ASAP!"

With that more people walked into the theater with confused faces.

"What's with the announcement?" Atsushi asks

"Let's wait and find out," Dazai said

Then a gust of smoke appeared on the stage and covered the whole flooring after it disappeared a small cyan bean bag was standing on the stage that was 10cm in height and 6cm in width. It had two big black dots for eyes and a mouth that was shaped like a U.

"Huh?" Some said

The bean bag waved at them.

"Is it alive!?" Kenji yelled in excitement

"Coo!" It said

"Ahem! Please be nice to my dear pet Bean!" I yelled 

"Coo!" Bean said as they waved their arms to greet them

"They are also my helper so don't you dare be mean to them!!!" I shouted

"So what the f- are we reacting to now b____!?!?" Chuuya shouted

"Kenji!" I said

"Hmm I guess this is tolerable," Chuuya said

"Is this a story or pictures?" Yosano asks

"It's a story," I said

"Ok," Yosano said

"And because this has a child in it I'm covering Mori's eyes," I said

"What why?" Mori questions

"... I don't need to answer," I said

"Can we get on with it?" Akutagawa asks 

"If you want to get back to watching Atsushi or something you can just sit next to him no will judge," I said

"W-what! No!" Akutagawa yelled as his face started to heat up

"You said this has a child in it can I ask how old?" Kyouka asks

"I would say under 10," I said

"Ok thank you," Kyouka said

"I have a question Q, Elise, and Kyouka would you like to come with me and Kenji or stay there?" I ask

"If we are allowed back there does that mean it's going to be sad?" One of them asks

"Sadly yep," I said

"Then I would like to join him," Kyouka said

"Me too," Elise said

"Same!" Q said

"Elise you are leaving me!?" Mori asks

"Yes" Elise blurted out not even looking at him

"Alright," I said and teleported them into the back, "Does everyone have their snacks and things?"

"Yes!" Ranpo answered with a mountain of food in front of him

Bean then disappeared with a puff of smoke left from his exit.

The screen turned from black to white then words slowly appeared on the screen saying

'The boy with a plastered smile'

"Now I wonder why it called that" Dazai muttered 

It transitioned to a boy who was looking over at a field full of crops. The boy had blond hair that glistened in the sunlight and honey-brown eyes that shone brightly.

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