a lil background knowledge

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About MoorWings -- MoorWings are muscular dragons which live near the uplands and moors, they live close to lakes and the occasional tree. MoorWings are excellent farmers and are vegetarian so have no need to hunt, and instead, eat fruits such as apples or peaches. MoorWings shelter eggs in the nooks of lakes and come back every few months to check on them. Once the eggs are ready for hatching, they leave fruit and materials for the eggs, then leave them be. MoorWings are very cooperative dragons, almost never fight, and are always loyal to their hatchmates. Occasionally, they eat animals when absolutely desperate, but usually keep them as pets, most commonly owls or otters. A MoorWing's color can range up to 10 camouflage-type colors, rare colors can lead to special abilities such as animuses. Before manifesting their colors, as a child, all MoorWings are a dull beige color. When they change the color of their scales, they will feel tired, and long for the need to sleep, and when they wake up, will have gotten their color. Rare colors are to report to royalty immediately, as needed for possible protection. A MoorWing's pattern are rosettes with occasional glowing scales. Their wings are mostly used for decoration, as MoorWings have adapted so much to land, they don't use their wings much.

About Moth --

 Family ; Adder (Oldest Brother) , Vole (Older Sister) , SkyLark (Mid Brother) , Grouse (Mid Brother)

Dream ( more of a goal, actually) ; to avenge her sister Hare (Oldest Sister)

Past ; Moth was a very driven dragonet ever since her older sister, Hare died in a battle with the SunWings. She had dedicated herself to finding the dragon who had killed Hare and bringing them to justice. Moth, as the youngest in the sibling group, is very underestimated. She often gets left out for being 'too young'. She holds a grudge against most tribes, as most of the time, her siblings are out fighting and often come back injured.

About SunWings --

SunWings live in the highest mountain peaks, on sheer cliffs where they build their homes where they can see a clear sunrise and sunset over the mountains, and be closest to the sun. The royal family lives in a palace, surrounded by smaller SunWing towns. Their home in the mountains has a variety of mountain animals including- mountain goats, cougars, caribou, hawks, eagles, bobcats, bears, and foxes. SunWings are great fliers, and prefer birds of prey and bigger mammals. SunWing scale colors range from candle–light scales to a fiery red. Their back has flames on them, and their horns are made of fire, but for hunting, they usually use the tip end of their tail, which is lit with fire to knock birds out of the air in the wing, which will either burn them, or the fall will. SunWings are small-medium sized, because of the energy that goes towards keeping their flames alight.In battle, SunWings use all their fiery features and their fire-breath, but using it too much will result in exhaustion, and a SunWing's flames may die out if they are not well nourished on mountain birds, and have an ample supply of water, and sunlight. Masters of flame control may be able to learn an ability called a "solar flare". When a dragon is able to do a solar flare her features that are lit with flame, will become quite a destructible blaze that can send a whole palace up in flames. However, this takes a lot of skill and energy to master and after creating a solar flare, the dragon in question will feel exhausted for weeks, even months afterward. If a solar flare is attempted by a dragon who isn't ready or trained enough, the effects could be permanent, or even fatal. SunWings lay their eggs in high mountain peaks, and line the area around the egg with stones and quite like birds, one parent will stay with the egg while the other goes hunting and then switch roles. Eggs are quite common prey for birds of prey. Usually SunWings don't lay many eggs and only have one or two eggs in a clutch (they use most of their energy keeping their flames alight, as stated, don't have much left for more than a couple eggs).

About Phoenix --

Past ; At the age of two, Phoenix saw her parents receive a prophecy from an animus touched object. It said the second-born Sun Princess will bring back what the tribe had lost. Phoenix's parents train her from a young age to fight, and all about the war and why she should hate other tribes. She participates in some raids in fights with the other tribes as well. She has always just wanted to please her parents, and she tries her very best, but she's just a dragonet. She sinks into fighting and studying and war plans and becomes quite the workaholic.

Family ; Her family has had a pretty big impact on her life. Daughter of Sun Queen Ash and King Sol. and sibling of First Heir 

Dream: Her dream is basically to get the Sun Empire back for her parents. Really, she thinks by doing that she will gain her family's approval and love, which is ultimately her goal, not to restore her tribe's honor or anything but for her family. She thinks that is the only way to gain her family's approval because it is so drilled into her mind that the only way anything will be right is if they get the Sun Empire back, and when the Ash birds hatch.

In summary, Phoenix's views of the world are pretty messed up, thinking that the only way she will be happy is if her family loves her, and the only way her family will love her is if she gets the empire back. This will change by the end of her journey, as she learns there are other ways to be happy, and finds her true family.

Phoenix hates the idea of someone being disappointed in her, and if she has to fight and regain the Sun Empire to avoid disappointing her family that's what she will do. Like she will fight and kill to keep up her respect and honor from her tribe and parents.

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