on the outside always looking in

105 11 32

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"just get up dumbass," punz says with a quiet laugh, lightly nudging his boyfriend's leg with his shoe, "we don't have time for you to be messing about on the floor."

foolish gasps up at the blond, taking the hand extended to him and allowing himself to be pulled up as he offendedly replies, "mother fucker, you just dropped me!"

punz shushes him, even though it had only really been a whisper-shout. "just shut up and kiss me," he says, pulling foolish in by his waist in an attempt to continue their routinely makeout session.

foolish stops him with a hand to his chest.

the blond pouts, knowing he doesn't look cute but hoping to get pity points anyway.

"don't be up in here thinking you're getting dick after you just dropped me on the toilet floor," foolish scolds, all light-hearted, before bending down to grab his backpack.

"you can hardly blame me when you were squirming about like a fucking hyper puppy," punz jokes back, picking up his own bag as foolish secures his over his shoulder. "we're like the same size man, it's not easy to hold you up for that long when you move so much."

foolish gasps, loud and in fake offence, and punz already knows what's coming before the brunette asks, "are you calling me fat?"

punz rolls his eyes as if the other is an idiot, even though he knows it's just a joke.

"i can't believe you'd say i'm fat," foolish says, continuing to act upset as he unlocks the bathroom door and walks uncaringly out into the hallway. "i thought you loved me."

he's loud and rambunctious and, even though they do this every day and have never even been close to being caught, punz still thinks they should be more subtle as they sneak out of the staff toilet.

"i do love you," he replies. then, to emphasise his point, he reels his arm back in preparation.

the smack sound of his flat palm against foolish's ass fills the hall, even through his pants. when foolish yelps, reaching back to cover his ass with his own hands like some kind of shield, punz can only laugh.

"love you for that juicy ass," punz says, taking a few long steps so he'd be right by his boyfriend's side. he reaches for the brunette's hand, forcing it away from protecting his ass so he could entwine their fingers together. he offers foolish a soft squeeze, just to check he's okay, and can't help but smile when he receives one back.

they walk into the lunch hall together, ignoring the slur that gets called at them from one of the popular tables and continuing to smile and enjoy each other's presence as they beeline towards their group.

their school is full of homophobes, but the most they'll ever do is shout a few discreet words and hate from behind a screen, so the couple never really gave a shit. (maybe punz was upset when he was voted off as team captain and maybe he acted like the world was ending when he left the football team because he couldn't handle the harassment, but being with foolish made it worth it.)

"hey," punz chirps at the other three as they sit down beside tina, just across from dream and karl.

they receive similar greetings, words and smiles being passed around as punz and foolish move to start getting their food out.

"where have you two been?" dream asks, raising a completely knowing eyebrow at the pair. he knows where they've been, of course he does, because they've done the same thing every day of this school year and every day of the majority of last year- he's only asking because he's trying to embarrass them in front of karl.

punz doesn't mind, smirking a bit as he shrugs and cryptically answers, "wouldn't you like to know?"

dream looks like he's about to spit back some smart answer, probably along the lines of, 'i already know', but he's prematurely cut off by an uncomfortable whining sound.

punz and foolish both turn straight to tina and, before they can even ask, dream answers, "she has a migraine."

"how bad is it?" punz immediately asks, easily falling into the over-protective brother role for a sister he doesn't even have.

she just shakes her head into her palms, clearly trying to hide from the bright light in the cafeteria.

"bad enough that you'll vom?" foolish asks straight after. punz decides that foolish takes the over-protective best friend role because if they were both her brothers then their relationship would suddenly get very fucked.

she nods slightly, sniffling in a way that either means she is crying or she is going to cry.

"alright, come on," punz says, shoving his food right back into his bag and sifting through to find his car keys. "i'll drive you home."

the brunette girl is in no place to argue, simply nodding as she pulls her shaky hands away from her red face and goes to grab her own bag off of the cafeteria floor.

of course, foolish instinctively begins to pack up too so he can go with. he acts all tough but he's just a clingy bitch deep down.

"will you be okay without us?" dream asks, indirectly offering to join them. sometimes it was necessary, but the brunette girl has gotten to her feet with her bag in hand and she doesn't look seconds away from passing out so punz doesn't think this is any more than a two-man job.

"nah, it'll be okay," he assures, holding his arm out as tina walks into his side. she hides her face against his shoulder as he wraps a protective arm around her, keeping her close as if it will keep her safe from the pain she's facing internally.

dream nods. he looks like he wants to help but, simultaneously, punz knows that he's probably giddy to have some alone time with karl.

he's made a million arguments about them just being friends, but he, tina, and foolish are unable to ignore the glimmer in his eyes or the heat behind his rosy cheeks whenever the quiet brunette is around them- which, recently, is quite a lot...

other character details yay :|

love yaaaa


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