Chapter 6-7

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The scene changes.

An open floor plan was shown with only a single half wall separating 2 sides.

On one side many posters of the slivered man were stored inside expensive looking glass cases and the design of the half room was decorated to look like a royal palace.

While on the other side had posters of the blond. The room was decorated with leopard and tiger print carpets and dark gauze curtains.

"Wow...Yuuri that's-" said Victor with starry eyes.

"Wait, Papa, is that a gold foiled limited edition poster of me during my senior debut," asked Yurio.

As he pointed at the said poster that was displayed on a marble pedestal covered in a glass case.

Chuuya just nodded.

"I swear to fucking god. This place is like a maze," said a figure dressed in all black.

Chuuya was smirking viciously as he saw the intruder his friends were talking about, because at the time of the 'infiltration' he was at a competition.

Red beans of light shot at the figure as he accidentally touched one of the framed posters and smudged the expensive looking glass.

"Well, well, look who the cat dragged in..." drawled out a blond haired woman, as she came strutting in with her six inch black stilettos.

And the screen darkens again.

"Awww, I wanted to see what happens next," said Albatross.

"Dude, trust me you don't want to see Yu-ahem Chuuya angry. Especially when someone touches his posters. I have seen a dude be punted out of a 16 story building with his career ruined just because his hair touched one of Chuuya's special edition gold foil 2010 Vancouver Olympics Viktor Nikiforov posters." Said Phichit as he shuddered at the memory.

"Ahem, due to some difficulties we will be watching a little filler for now," said the familiar voice of Amaterasu, with some shouts and the sound of fighting in the background.

Soon the screen lit up again.

Chuuya felt weak and vulnerable. That stupid mackerel had left him like this in the aftermath of corruption.

Cold glares were shot at the brunette by the younger mafia members.

But before Chuuya could think too deeply into it he heard someone walking towards his direction.

A man with purplish black hair and eyes that looked like amethyst yet had an ice blue tinge to them appeared on the screen.

The people in the room that knew of the man tensed up.

"Chuuya, did he do anything to you?" Asked Mori darkly, he could help but feel protective of his future successor.

Sure Dazai might have been his protégé, but Chuuya had the dedication and the drive to move the Mafia forward and higher than it already was.

"No, boss, he just took me home." Said Chuuya.

Mori just nodded.

"Solnyshko, how did you land yourself in this predicament," said the man. As he crouched down and picked the shorter man up.

"Fedya, how did you know I was here," questioned Chuuya sleepily.

"Chuuya, who is he?" Questioned Viktor pouting.

The skaters waited for Chuuya's answer.

"Solnyshko, Who is he?" Questioned another voice that came through a large portal with two other men.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2023 ⏰

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