Chapter 16 - No Matter What

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I smiled as I watched Zhongli make dinner, he really was perfect. It had been months since we had gotten together, and we had barely fought at all. The sex craze had died down, but it wouldn't come to a complete stop. He turned around and smiled at me, setting the food down on the table,

"What are you smiling about?" I laughed as he sat down next to me,

"I'm smiling because my boyfriend is hot." He smiled as he picked food up with his chopsticks,

"That's a valid reason to smile. My boyfriend is hot too." I smiled and we continued eating.

I was sitting cross-legged in the Wangsheng funeral parlor, waiting for Zhongli to finish up so that we could go out for dinner. Zhongli walked out of the back, I started to smile, but he walked over to a young couple to console them. I sighed and waited for him to finish with his work so that we could go to dinner. Zhongli left the pair alone to comfort each other and walked over to me, offering me a hand, which I accepted gratefully, I hugged him tightly,

"Let's go, love." He smiled and we left, heading to a restaurant to eat dinner. We had a nice dinner and took a walk through the moonlit Liyue harbor.

Zhongli smiled and kissed me, we were in the living room of Zhongli's house, we had been together for two years now since he came back without his memories of me, and I think it made us closer. Sometimes, a clean slate is all you need to make a relationship work,

"Hey, Ajax. I want to ask you something." I smiled at him,

"Sure, you can ask me anything." Zhongli got off the sofa, knelt down on one knee and pulled out a small box, I stood up quickly,

"WHAT? You can't propose to me! I already bought you a ring, Zhongli! I can't believe you beat me to it!" He looked confused, I ran to our room to grab the ring I had bought him, I came back to him to show him the ring I bought for him, he looked really confused, I offered him a hand, he accepted it and sat down on the sofa next to me again, I showed him the ring I bought him, it had a silver band with a leaf pattern adorned with core lapis, he looked at the ring, his face brightening,

"I love you, so much, Ajax. It's perfect." My smile stretched from ear to ear, Zhongli showed me the ring he bought for me, it was also a silver band, but it had a flower pattern adorned with crystal core, I looked up at him and slipped the ring I had bought onto his left hand, and he slipped the one he bought me onto my left hand, I still wore the black ring he had given me in Snezhnaya,

"I love you, Zhongli. I guess a clean slate was the best way to fix our relationship. When I told you about our relationship, I told you we fought a little. That was an understatement. We split up two or three times and when we fought it was like our relationship just, exploded. Our fights weren't exactly fights, they were more like full blown wars." He nodded and kissed me,

"I know, I remember. I don't remember when I started to remember, but I remember." I kissed him back,

"I'm glad our relationship is finally working out. I was afraid I had lost you forever, but I've realized now, that I've just gotten to see a different side of you, a side where you don't fight me over every disagreement, and I think I like this side of you. I like being able to agree to disagree, I like that you meet me halfway." And we spent the day cuddling on the couch, whispering sweet nothings into each other's ears, it was so much easier to be with Zhongli now that he would meet me halfway, that we could gloss over every disagreement we ever had. The next couple of days, we were probably the happiest we ever were, so distracted by each other that the sex craze started up all over again, but it was different now. Because we were getting married.

A/N sorry for inconsistent updates! I'm on vacation and have been going outside and touching grass almost every day (CRAZY I KNOW) I'm also working on other things, thanks for reading my fanfic and for your patience though!! -- Your favorite unintellectual pansexual <33

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