Chapter 18 - ⚠️Don't stop

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Zhongli continued to kiss me repeatedly and whisper compliments in my ear. I followed his lead for a while, but I started to get impatient and pulled off his shirt. He was rather slim, but in a healthy way. he smiled at me and followed my lead and started to strip me of my clothes, he palmed me as we made out, earning moans from me,

"I love you, Ajax." I smiled at him as he pulled off my boxers and pushed his fingers into me, he continued to kiss me and tell me how pretty I was as he moved his fingers in a scissoring motion. He found my prostate and massaged it while I squirmed and wailed. I wrapped my arms around him, my nails digging into his back. Zhongli pulled his fingers out and I whimpered at the loss of touch, but that didn't last long, because I watched as he rushed to prep himself with slime condensate, and as quickly as he had pulled out, he was thrusting into me, with that perfect smile atop his perfect face. I moaned as Zhongli picked up his pace, thrusting into me harder, After a long while of me whimpering and him whispering sweet nothings in my ears. He shifted his position slightly and hit my prostate dead-on, I screamed as he continually hit it, harder and harder each time,

"Ah! Zhongli! Zho- Zhongli!" He kissed me and continued to pound into me at what I assumed was full force. Zhongli pet my hair and complimented me as I moaned and wailed, I couldn't think, couldn't relax, this was what I loved about the persistent sex, it freed me from the burden of all my worries and all my responsibilities, it gave me time to just lay back and be pleasured. I screamed as Zhongli started hitting my prostate impossibly harder, the cum dribbling out of me as he continued to thrust into me. I tightened my grip around him, my screams echoing throughout the house, he groaned as he cummed into me, he kissed me and pulled out, flopping next to me,


"I love you. I won't let our relationship fall apart like it did last time. We've been given a second chance, let's not waste it." I smiled as he held my hand,

"We should probably get cleaned up." He smiled at me and rolled over, sitting in between my legs again,

"We can go for another round, can't we?" I threw one of the pillows at him playfully,

"I'm tired. Can't we just sleep?" He laughed and got out of bed,

"Your wish is my command. I'll draw you a hot bath." I smiled and got up as well,

"Thank you. For not giving up or trying to be who you used to be when you started to remember. I can tell you're trying. You're holding those memories close, and you're trying to change." He nodded and kissed me,

"I would move mountains for you, Ajax, I would do anything, if it made you happy." I snickered,

"That moving mountains shit doesn't really work as well with you, Zhongli. You could move a mountain with the flick of your wrist. It's hardly fair." He laughed as he walked into the bathroom to run a hot bath for me.

"I'm home, Ajax!" I jumped off the couch, dropping the book I had been reading to go greet Zhongli. I ran through the kitchen and threw my arms around him, kissing him on the cheek,

"Welcome home, love!" He smiled at me, and I noticed that he was holding something, it looked like a...bundle of blankets? My head cocked slightly,

"What're you holding?" He held the bundle out to me,

"I found it on our doorstep. It seems to be a child." My eyes widened and I looked at him with shock,

"A baby? On our doorstep? Who would do that?" Zhongli shrugged, I took the bundle from him, and sure enough, it was a child. I turned back to Zhongli, in a sudden panic,

"What do we do? We're not even married! How will we raise a child when we haven't even figured out our own problems?" Zhongli smiled and walked over to me, planting a kiss on my forehead,

"We'll figure it out, we always do." I smiled, even though I teased him when he tried to say cheesy things to console me, it didn't matter how cheesy whatever he was saying was, just him being there for me was comforting,

"So...Are we going to be parents? Or are we going to see if we can find someone to look after the kid?" He kissed me and wrapped his arms around me,

"I'm happy with whatever choice you make. I guess we'll have to start speeding up the process of planning the wedding now, if we decide to keep it." I nodded, looking at the healthy-looking chubby baby in my arms. The longer I looked at the baby, the more my heart melted, she was clearly a girl. I hadn't held a baby in my arms since my little siblings were born, maybe this was what I needed. 

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