Brothers of Bane: Part 1

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Life's very unfair, is all the 18 year old Caleb Wittebane could think as he walked down the dirt path, rain drops pattering on his coat as he did. So much had happened in such a short time, it was all still sinking in for him.

First, his parents had passed away due to a lingering plague that had hit the country. It was bad enough that he was disallowed to even see them in their final moments. Then, he had to say goodbye to his old childhood home as it was sold off due to him not being able to pay the taxes for the property without a job.

He luckily had managed to be able to keep a few of his things, which included his father's coat; which he now wore to keep the cold off him as rain began to fall from the cold night sky. Caleb barely had anything left to his name other than that coat.

This was all in the same week.

So yes, he had deemed life was rather unfair by the time he was walking down a now muddy road, his younger 12 year old brother in hand.

Caleb had seen no reason to stay in his old hometown now that their home was gone. He refused to live on the streets, let alone allow Phillip to have to live on the streets with him. So with the map Caleb had managed to keep, he found a nearby town that was only a couple days walk.

The town was only a decade or so old, so Caleb had hope there was work available in the town. If he got money, he could buy a home for him and his brother, warm beds and food again.

"Caleb..." Phillip whined as he held his older brother's hand, "I'm tired...".

Caleb could only sigh, "I know you are Phillip... I am too, but we cannot stop until we get there." he said, continuing to lead Phillip along behind him.

"How much longer until we reach... What was the name of the town again?" Phillip inquired, noticeably slowing down in the small hope Caleb would do the same.

"Gravesfield. The name of the town is Gravesfield. It's a nice place from what I've heard, you will like it." Caleb replied, tugging Phillip slightly to encourage him to keep up the pace.

"I'd like a warm bed better-" Phillip began, but Caleb cut him off.

"There will be warm beds there, along with food and water. I promise you Phillip, we'll be out of the cold very soon." Caleb replied, trying to ease his younger brother's worries.

In reality, Caleb was also trying to convince himself that everything would turn out okay.

He knew very well that they had no money, no home, and no direction other than going to Gravesfield in the hope that there's work there for the two to take up.

Thunder roared up in the sky, as rain began to fall harder. Caleb readjusted his coat to keep warm, with Phillip shivering a bit behind him.

"Please tell me we're almost there... Please..." Phillip asked, feeling colder from the rain.

Caleb glanced at his map, which now was getting soggy and wet due to the rain, and sighed as he put it away.

"Almost, just got to keep walking." Caleb said, holding up an arm in an attempt to shield some of the rain.

Phillip slowly began to lag behind, the cold rain beginning to affect the young boy. He shivered more as the rain began to make his clothes damp, holding his arms together in an attempt to keep warm.

"We've been walking for two days now..." Phillip whined once more.

"Phillip, I swear to the lord I will smack you upside the head if I hear one more whine from you." Caleb threatened, half serious.

Phillip chose to shut up, much to Caleb's relief. He didn't like being hard on his younger brother, but was going through a lot of stress right now.

"But so is he..." A voice echoed inside Caleb's head. He sighed quietly.

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