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Hermione pov

I was laying in bed, staring at my stomach. I could see the baby kicking. It brought tears to my eyes at the realization that my baby was in there, and had been for the past eight months, amazing what the human body can do. "Hermione? There's an owl for you. It's from your parents." Draco called from the kitchen. As he said that, the baby kicked my back, it hurt quite a bit and I let out a pained groan and a few tears escaped.

With great difficulty, I heaved myself out of bed and went to the kitchen, tears dripping down my face. When he saw me, he came over and cupped my face in his hands, "Why are you crying?"

"Nothing, baby's kicking. Isn't it crazy Draco? That there's a real baby in here?!" I said, holding my stomach. He smiled and kissed my forehead, nodding as he handed me a letter. While he went back to the kitchen to wash the dishes, using magic obviously, I ripped it open and read.

Dear Hermione,
There is a Granger family reunion in a few days. It is in Paris at the Golden Serpent Resort. I know that Draco owns that place but the rest of the family doesn't. I know you don't want to come but they insisted. They said that you probably don't have a job and are a complete failure which is why we've been making up excuses all this time. I tried telling them you're pregnant but they didn't believe me. Your dad got mad and said you're coming. So I'm sorry Hermione but you have to come. It starts next Monday (23rd of December) and lasts till the next Tuesday (31st of December). That way, we can celebrate Christmas and New Year's together.
Please come,
I'm sorry,

As I finished reading, I stumbled to the chair and sank down.

"Hermione! Are you okay? What does the letter say?" Draco asked, running over to me. I said nothing but let him read the letter over my shoulder.

He knew how bad my extended family was from what I had told him, so I expected him to have the same reaction as me. To my surprise, he laughed. When I glared at him, he tried to kiss me. I pushed away his mouth and said, "Draco! Don't you understand how bad this is?"

"Darling, you're eight months pregnant, you're nauseous and tired. You can use that as an excuse."

"They won't believe it. We have to go. They're going to tease me Draco! They'll call me fat and ugly. They always called me a beaver and a know-it-all. It'll be even worse now!" I said, sobbing into his arms.

"It's okay Hermione. I'll be there."

I stopped crying and said, "Actually, I'll be fine. I have an idea. I go there by myself and they'll think I'm pregnant out of wedlock and get mad. Then, at dinner, you'll show up, as the owner, and ask everyone how it's going. My cousins will probably try to flirt with you but you ignore it. Then I say hi and they'll say something mean. We both stare at them and you say something. Then, you kiss me. We can ask my parents to record the whole thing so we can watch their reactions over and over."

He nodded, "That sounds like a great idea. We should pack. It's Friday today."

I nodded and he picked me up. He carried me all the way back to bed. He put a light blanket on me and started getting our clothes out.

Suddenly, I needed to pee so I kicked off the blanket and said, "Draco! Help me up!"

He turned around and walked over, pulling me up. He held me as I steadied myself and walked to the toilet. After I had finished, he helped me stand and pulled me in for a hug after I washed my hands, my huge bump brushing against his chest.

"How are you?" He whispered into my ear.

"What do you mean, how am I?"

"I mean, how are you feeling? With the baby and all?"

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