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Hermione pov - next morning

Today is Christmas Eve and I woke up really early. At 5:26. To throw up. Since I couldn't go back to sleep anyway, I went to wrap the presents for my family when I realized: I didn't buy them!

How could this happen?! I normally bought them in the beginning of December. I probably forgot, what with being pregnant and all. I quickly changed into some comfy clothes (black maternity leggings and an oversized Slytherin quidditch jersey that was Draco's, some shoes that my swollen feet could barely fit in, and a fur coat since it was snowing) and realized that my baby bump had seemingly disappeared. It was there obviously, but with the clothes, you couldn't see it. I left a note that I was going out to buy some things and apparated to a dark alleyway. I had spoken to my healer and she said it was okay to apparate—as long as it didn't bother me—until the thirty-seventh week. So I could still apparate for another two weeks but it was better to side along. After that, I had to use muggle transport, Floo, or side along Apparation. But when I went into labor, I had to use muggle transport since the Floo and apparating could be dangerous.

I started walking toward a store, but saw a coffee shop. In the window was a picture of a coffee that looked amazing! I almost went in to get it when I remembered that I wasn't supposed to drink coffee. I started crying so I ducked into another alleyway until I stopped. Then, I walked into a muggle store and looked around for matching shirts for my parents, me, Draco, and a onesie for the baby that we could use once he was born. I bought a few other things for my cousins, aunts, and uncles. Then I went to the register and stood in line. It was a very long line and by the time I was almost there, I had to pee.

One more minute Hermione. One more minute.

Then, just as the cashier was checking out the person in front of me's items, someone tapped my shoulder.

I turned around and saw woman with a little girl clinging to her side.

"Yes?" I asked.

"Sorry to bother you, but I thought you would want to know. Your pants are wet, don't worry, no one else saw. I can hold your spot in line if you need to go to the loo."

I felt my face turn bright red and I nodded hastily before ducking out and running to the loo. I cast a quick drying spell on my pants and emptied my bladder. Then I returned to the line and thanked the other girl. When I got to the front, the cashier started checking out the items.

"Your total is going to be 394 pounds. Cash or credit?"

"Cash," I said, avoiding everyones eyes as my hand dug through my magically endless purse for my wallet. I found it and started taking the money out. When I handed it to him, he checked it and said, "Would you like to sign up for the rewards program? Members get everything 50% off."

I nodded, "Sure."

"Okay, just enter your email and phone number here." He said, turning the screen toward me.

My mind blanked for the first time in my life. I couldn't remember what my email or phone number was.

"Excuse me? Could you please hurry it up?" Someone said from the back of the line.

"I-Sorry! Here!" I said, handing him a small pile of notes and running out with my bags, crying. I found a table to sit at and just sobbed.

"Hey, are you okay?" I looked up and saw the cashier. He was my ex-boyfriend and best muggle friend, Oliver, who I hadn't seen since the summer before sixth year. He smiled at me and sat down.

"Hermione Granger. Never thought I'd see you again. Christmas shopping at the last moment though, what has the world come to?" He asked jokingly.

"Oliver. You-you work there?"

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