S1 EP12: Astros' Revenge

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Finally, after one month, Daystar Purgatory Season 1 is finally over. Now I can take a rest from writing this series for so long and relax for a while. Don't worry, Season 2 will be coming soon, but stay tuned to the next episode of Season 2 as well. Previously on Daystar Purgatory, Elsword, Aisha and Rena disguised themselves as Rebecca, Harbin and John to gain Crescentia's trust in order for them to free the pawn shop owner from her, and after he was rescued, his family gave them the outfits that was tailored for them by his daughter and his wife gave them a quest to infiltrate the Daystar Palace and save the ruler of the Daystar Purgatory, Princess Astros herself from a secret room.

As Elsword, Aisha and Rena, under their disguises of Rebecca, Harbin and John, managed to regain Crescentia's trust, they were able to secretly enter her secret room while she was away, where Princess Astros is being held captive in the same bed as the pawn shop owner back in Phosphor Temple, with the former two trying to wake her up but she didn't respond, so they freed her without waking her up, and revealed themselves as their original form to her, who woke up and said to them "Wait, who are you?" The former replied "I'm Rebecca and this is my friend Harbin."

Astros responded "So you're Elsword, right...? I've never heard of you before but what brings you and that friend of yours here?" He replied "That's right. I'm here with Aisha and our friend Rena to save you and the entire Daystar Purgatory from Crescentia!" She responded back to him, saying "Crescentia? I know her before. She and that cult were the ones who killed my entire family a long time ago and still hasn't learned her lesson from what she had done to them. I want to avenge my own family by killing her and her family as well." Suddenly, he noticed something wrong with her body by looking at her right arm, which instead of her normal arm and hand showing up, it was a dark blue-purple hand with long claws attached to it and as she took off her long vest, the infection was not only in her arm, but in her upper torso and right cheek, to the trio's horror.

Astros declared "I'm no longer the lovely princess Astros that I used to be before, but now..." before transforming into Astaroth, an tall and slender demon, with two unequal horns on his head, and saying "I'm now Astaroth, the underworld ruler of this entire DAYSTAR PURGATORY. Since you gained my family's murder's trust, I'm going to KILL YOU ALL FOR ONCE AND FOR THE GOOD OF THIS ENTIRE PURGATORY!" in which she said to Elsword, Aisha and Rena "Prepare to die, you bunch of criminals!" He replied "What?! What did we do to anger you like that?!" before telling his allies "Girls, we better stay away from Astaroth or else she's gonna kill us!" Aisha replied "Yeah, let's leave before Astaroth and Crescentia finds us!" Rena responded with "Let's go!"

As the three ran away and threw their Rebecca, Harbin and John disguises behind in the secret room, they went to the shared house and told the others not to stay in Daystar Purgatory because of Astaroth's dangerous behavior that might destroy this dimension, and upon hearing the news, Solace advised the other El Masters and Priestesses not to stay in there and come with him to the El Tower in Elrianode. The others followed suit, and were never seen in this dimension once again. Meanwhile, a dimensional rift near the shared house caused a dimensional portal to an another world completely different from Elrios, and Elsword told not only his friends Aisha and Rena, but also his cousin Fabian and the other characters as well to follow him in the portal, with half of the entire cast leaving the dimension as a whole.

Now with them gone, the pawn shop owner and his family missed their saviors so badly that they decided to close their own shop in fears of it getting destroyed by Astaroth's wrath. Back at the Daystar Palace, at the secret room, Crescentia came back, only to realize that her enemies were gone, and said to herself "Good riddance." only to realize that her hostage Astros had became Astaroth, an demon that was sealed inside the hostage's body after the former killed her entire family, and the latter said to her "Crescentia, you traitor. How dare you kill my family and yet, you still didn't take responsibility for your actions? I'm going to show you what it feels like to have your entire family killed as well."

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