S1 EP4: Fawn's Dream House

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Previously on Daystar Purgatory, after exploding her secret hideout for having an mysterious creature crash near his tent later that night, Elsword got into a fight with Crescentia to the point he even started to challenge her to fight him in order to test if she's capable of using her sword skills against him, and ultimately won against her by a large margin since he's more skilled in swordsmanship than her, who often resorted into violence, and left her alone after he was done calling her a faker, but this wasn't the end of her revenge towards the heroes. The next day, Fawn suggested to her allies that they should build a house near the river, and gather some materials to build the house.

While on the search for the materials, Elona asked if he could join Raven and Ciel, and help them cut trees required to build the plan of the house, in which they agreed to him. Meanwhile, being tasked by Fawn to make concrete, Elsword and Aisha went to a cave to mine limestone, one of the two materials necessary to make cement, only to encounter a male golem, who sided with Crescentia rather than them, which led to them burning him alive with the matches they had found on the way, left behind by a cult member of hers after the Eyan incident, and they decided to mine the limestone with their pickaxe. 

After they were done with mining the limestone, they decided to find some clay leftover from the golem's remains, and managed to get out of the cavern safely, back to the construction site, where they gathered all the materials necessary to make cement, and it became cement. Frostine came with the large container, and Fabian came in with the sand and aggregate, and thanks to their help, the four of them were successfully able to fill the concrete in the foundation of the house, which is made from stone, and once the materials were all gathered, everybody insulated the house, and put wood shingles to make the roof.

Additionally, Elona, Raven and Ciel built the doors and windows for the house using the remaining leftovers, and along with the others, they placed the nails, screws and the other fasteners to the entire house so it can hold together, and the three men covered the exterior of the house with wood. After putting all of the wiring and plumbing materials, everybody had to paint the wood to protect and enhance their appearance.

Within 2 days, their job was done, and the following week after it was finally constructed, while looking at the stars in the balcony, Elsword, Aisha and Fawn, who were the only ones who didn't fell asleep, noticed a shooting star in the sky, that'll soon change into a creature that had no arms and only a leg, falling to the ground by the time they were all asleep. The next day, Lu woke up to see the shooting star, but was shocked to find out it was gone. Elona also woke up as well and told her that the star will only appear in nighttime and to be patient in order to see the creature.

Later that night, Ciel and Elona saw the creature again, lying near the doorstep, taking it to their bed. The former switches into Lu and she carefully hugs it like they were one of her plushies, while the latter is hugging them both, while sleeping in the same bed with each other. Suddenly, the creature decided to run away from the house, and they woke up to chase them, only to realize it was gone, with them looking at the shooting star as well and they went back to bed.

Little do they know is that the creature is a part of Crescentia's cult, at least according to Ain and Seneca, who both shared a common interest: They were both spies and had more information on the cult than the others. The next day, the two spies asked Elona and Lu to wait the following night to meet the creature, and they both listened to them.

Later that night, in the living room, while Elsword was telling bedtime stories, mostly about his adventures from Ruben to Varnimyr, to Fabian, Frostine, Fawn, Seneca, Aisha, Rena and the others, he unknowingly gets kicked in the head by the creature, with his nose bleeding and although his close friends tried to help him as much as they could, he couldn't stop bleeding for his nose for days until he fell unconscious several days later and was taken by Crescentia's cult members back to the human world to recover.

The following days, Fabian, Aisha and Rena grew worried about him, wondering if he could come back to the Purgatory with them. Eve and Ain came to the three of them, informing them that the cult members took Elsword captive in the human world to make his nose bleeding worse to the point his health's currently deteriorating, which makes him at risk from dying, and they even saw a letter written by him that reads "Help, I'm being kidnapped by a cult led by a fake El Lady" along with Crescentia's name written in red ink made from the blood from his nose.  

Fabian got shocked upon hearing the news and said "Oh my god! I'll do everything I can to save Elboy as much as I can! I'm here to save him and no one can stop me from doing so!" Rena responded "My goodness, is he okay?" Aisha told Fabian and Rena "Alright, let's all save him together before he dies!"

Aisha decided to sit on her staff, before she asked Fabian and Rena "Come fly with me to the human world!" and they embarked to the human world, where they encountered the same creature that had caused Elsword's nose to bleed last time, at the end of the Purgatory, and tried to confront them, but they were strong enough to defeat them, which led to them reviving and entering Awakening mode to take revenge on them. 

After they defeated them, Seneca asked Aisha if she could come with them and she agreed, so they decided to go to a secret hideout in the streets of Lanox, where they saw his unconscious body, with blood spattered all over his clothes, and in his birthday suit, to their horror.

Crescentia finally appeared in front of them, and said to Fabian "Look what I've done to your cousin." He got disgusted upon seeing his cousin's body, and yelled "El Faker! How dare you do this to him? What the hell is wrong with you?" Rena said "Crescentia, are you really out of your mind to do these horrible acts to him?" before kicking her in the face, but she dodged to her anger that she aims her arrows at her but she grabs her arrows and launches it towards her, stabbing her chest.

Aisha and Fabian got angry to the point that they even attacked Crescentia as well, with Seneca reviving Rena on her own with her healing abilities, and the two were ready to fight back against her in the hideout, effectively defeating her, to the cult members' horror that one female member, a dark elf named Chloe, tried to carry Elsword's body but he was too heavy for her to carry and left him alone.

Aisha, Fabian, Rena and Seneca tried checking on him, but he woke up, and said to them "Thank you guys for saving me. Without you guys, I would've been dead by now." before telling Seneca "Tell Ain, Raven and Ciel to carry me back to the Purgatory.", in which she carefully listened to him.

A few minutes later, just as Seneca called them to help him out, Ain, Raven and Ciel arrived to carry him back to the Purgatory along with Aisha, Fabian, Rena and Seneca on the former of the four's staff, where they're heading to a hot spring, outside of their house.

Will our heroes somehow to take a break from dealing with Crescentia's cult by relaxing in a hot spring? Find out in the next episode of Daystar Purgatory!

To be continued...

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