The fires of hell

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I'm going to put you in a uncomfortable spot in this chapter. Please don't let this chapter unravel your belief in what you know is true and right for you.

I'm not trying to make you feel as if what you believe is true is wrong, I'm just trying to help you to see a different perspectives here to offer and consider the possibility of changing your view just enough to be understanding of how another person feels and thinks.

The first thing I did wrong in choosing a mate is what I have always done in any and all things, I assume everyone is like me and only want to help each other. And time and time again I find out that I am wrong and I ultimately get burned or taken advantage of in some way or another.

So for me anyway I am discovering that I am better off remaining single. That doesn't have to mean I am alone, it just means that I will have friends and family to learn from and in some cases I can lean on them as I need to...

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