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It's been hours since Aelia walked around familiarizing the place, thanks to the map they provide for new students it became a lot more easier for her to explore since the Academy is huge.

Now Aelia is sitting on a bench by the field, there are a lot of students either playing around or just sitting or chatting so the nineteen year-old decided to sit on the bench a little further from the other students - to avoid interacting with anyone, and close to the forest, She's a little introverted so she really do not initiate conversation with anyone unless it's a friend or someone she's comfortable with.

While she was minding her own business reading some books, she felt the same feeling she felt yesterday, like someone was watching her. She feels like she's being watched from behind her so she decided to turn around, there's no one there, just the forest.

Aelia kept watch, waiting for someone to appear from the forest, she felt like it's been hours but she really couldn't see anyone there.

She suddenly jolted when she felt a hand being placed on her shoulder.

"Fuck!" She exclaimed a little loudly, standing up and facing the culprit for her almost having a heart attack.

She was surprised with the person now standing face to face with her.

"Damn, Chill!" The person stated. Giving Bella a strange look like she's judging her whole being.

"You almost gave me a heart attack." She stated an octave higher, still calming her heartbeat down.

"Sorry, then. I was calling your name but you weren't responding."

"So you decided to sneak up on me."

"I wasn't sneaking up, kid." Bella rolled her eyes then sat back down on the bench.
"Why are you here alone?"

"Because I want to, and it's not like I have friends here to be with." Bella answered with a little attitude.

"I'm just asking, why are you being so sassy on me?" The older girl pouted.

Bella exhaled, "I'm sorry. You just really scared me." She answered.

"I'm sorry about that. Did you have lunch yet?"

With that Bella looked at her watch to check the time
"It's only nine forty-two, Still too early for lunch, Kali."

"So? I'm hungry. Let's go."

"Then go by yourself."

"Oh come on, Kid. It's my treat." Kali persuades.

"I have my own money," bella easily dismissed. "And speaking of money, How much do I owe you?"

Kali in response just stare at her confused. Bella rolled her eyes, again.

"For the dinner last night and then the Breakfast this morning."

"You don't owe me anything." Kali counters flopping down on the seat beside Aelia.

"But you bought me dinner and then breakfast, so I'll pay you back." The younger insisted.

"I don't want you to pay for it though. Consider it as my way of welcoming you to the academy and our room." Kali said with finality in her voice.

"Fine." Bella exhaled defeated.
"Can I ask you something Kali?"

"I think I know what your question will be, but ask away."

"Why are you being so nice to me? We barely even know each other besides each others name."

The older lets out a breathy laugh.
"I'm from Manipulation." Kali begins, this little information shocked Aelia, Kali don't really look like she's from manipulation, she just do not look like it.

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