Chap. 8 "Yeah...whatever"

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Hi I wanted to start off this chapter by apologizing for not updating as much as I had originally planned to.

"Greg Universe is that you?" I watched as my mom walked up to the man. He turned his attention from what he was doing to her. I saw as his eyes opened wide and he walked up to my in shock
"Ariya ? Wow! Hey, uhm, it's been a while huh?" He said looking at my mom  

I stood there confused watching what was going on
"Yep it's me I'm back in Beach City" my mom replies smiling at the man

"Wow you've changed a lot - in a good way though not in a bad way obviously okay I'm shutting up" the man said. He looked behind my mom and at me. I awkwardly smiled

"Is she yours?" the man asked watching me

"nope I stole her from the hospital" my mom replied jokingly

My mom waved her hand calling me over. I confusingly looked at her as I walked up to the both of them.

"This is my daughter Y/n" I smiled at the man as I slightly waved my hand
"Nice to meet you Y/n. I actually have a son around your age maybe a little older " he responded
I smiled at him and nodded my head.

"Wow it feels like forever since I've seen you, how is Rose?" my mom started to converse with the man

"It really has been a while then huh? Well she isn't....she isn't here with us anymore I-it's complicated" he replied.

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry" my mom said with pity for the man whose face visibly grew sadder

"It's okay, glad to see you after all these years though and it was nice to meet you Y/n"
I smiled at him as my mom held my hand squeezing it lightly.

"If it isn't a bother would you like to come over for dinner tomorrow around 5 ? and bring your son as well I would love to meet him"
The man smiled lightly at her
"Sure that would be amazing thank you"
"It's no problem really, we'll we better get going I'll see you tomorrow oh and do you remember the address to my moms house?" My mom asked before leaving
"Yep I remember" the man replied with a big smile on his face
We waved at him as we walked away and

The rest of the way we walked in silence. I was tired and just wanted to rest at home before I left to hang out with Steven.

It had completely slipped my mind that I was even hanging out with him today. My face started heating up at the thought again and as delusional as I am started picturing ways it would go. God I really need help.

"What are you thinking about?" My mom asked looking at me with questioning eyes:

"Oh nothing really just kind of nervous to hang out with Steven later thats all." I responded to her to move away from the fact I was in fact not only thinking about it but about him.

"Oh really. Is that all? Because your face is red and not a bright red a DEEP red" she exclaimed
I quickly pulled my phone out and looked at my face to see what she was talking about. I sigh in relief as I saw that my face was looking normal and I showed no signs of blushing like a crazy person or breaking out which was really common especially since the sun was hotter than Tom Ellis by this point.

"Oh my gosh you are such a liar my face is fine" I rolled my eyes at her and she laughed.

"Exactly if you think you look fine right now then you'll be fine on your date" she reassured me.

"That literally makes no sense"

"Yeah whatever" she responded

Hi I just wanted to apologize for the lack of updates I truly wished that I could update more but I unfortunately have started loosing interest in writing this book. This book started off when I had a Steven Universe phase where I would read every book there is about him but now I don't feel that way anymore and it's kinda hard to write when I really don't know what to write anymore. Ofc I will still be updating but most likely it would take longer to update than I expect. Anyways thank you so much for all the support it means a lot to me that I could experience this

All my love

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