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It was another day in Itan, the city of heretics. Kawaii had entered class as normal, thinking to herself about Tadano and her future with him.

"Morning Kawaii" greeted one student.

"Morning" responded Kawaii.

"Good Morning class" greeted the teacher.

"Good Morning Ms. Gonzalez" responded the students

"Turn to page 234, Kawaii please recap yesterday's lesson" ordered Ms. Gonzalez.

"The Aztecs had arrived at the Valley of Mexico in 1250 from a land called 'Aztlan' and established the city Tenochtitlan. They believed that they were instructed to build a city where they saw an eagle on a cactus eating a snake" answered Kawaii.

"Great. Today we'll be learning about human sacrifice and how they honored their gods" said the teacher.

"The Aztecs were conquerors, like us they built their empire by war and conquest. They also took in prisoners of war, deciding to not kill them right away, but later instead" continued Ms. Gonzalez. "Does anyone know why? Kometani"

"Well uh, you see they kept them alive for slave labor, and uh that's it right?" answered Kometani.

"Ha-ha very funny, let's get your smarter cousin to answer that. Dunce" replied Ms. Gonzalez.

"Simple, they sacrificed them, so their enemies could back off" responded Tadano.

"Technically true, but there's also another reason. Kawaii please answer that" ordered Ms. Gonzalez.

Ms. Gonzalez had a face of disappointment. Two Neo-Toltecs, both related to the family behind the second biggest religion in Japan, know nothing about where their culture might've come from.

"The Aztecs sacrificed prisoners of war to honor their gods, as they believed that it was the blood that kept the world running and prevented the end of the world" responded Kawaii.

Later on after class ended, Tadano and Najimi commenced "Operation L", which gave Kometani a chance to talk to Kawaii.

Kometani walked to Kawaii and simply asked "Hey Kawaii, mind if we talk a bit? It's important".

Kawaii, surprised, replied "sure" and walked with Kometani to somewhere private.

As soon as they sat down, Kometani's demeanor changed. He went from your average, everyday, arrogant middle schooler, to a calm, collected, intelligent, and wise adult. It was as if his personality was all an act to ease off suspicion from him.

"Listen Kawaii, I know what you're planning on doing to my cousin," said Kometani.

"H-how did you know that?" asked a shocked Kawaii.

"I have my ways. Your plan for Tadano is doomed to fail" answered Kometani.

"What do you mean it's doomed to fail?" asked Kawaii, who was still shocked.

"Your motive is to bring back the old Tadano before he was a chuunibyou, and to do so is to rejects so harshly it causes him to change '' answered Kometani.

"And why do you think that's bad? Why do you think that Tadano should still be a chuunibyou?" asked Kawaii.

"The damage on him will be detrimental, and along with that it will hurt any future attempt at getting into a relationship with him" answered Kometani.

"Wait what? What do you mean it'll hurt any chance to get into a relationship with him?" asked Kawaii.

"Your plan is to meet Tadano later in life, in hopes that he hasn't found anyone. That's unrealistic and delusional. If you hurt Tadano, he won't be able to approach you again. To him you'll always be known as the person who rejected him. Not only that but Tadano will be depressed because of this rejection, he'll think he's not good enough for anyone, and imagine if he found out about your plan. What do you think he'll feel? Would he be angry? Would he be sad? Will he be hurt?" responded Kometani.

Komi Can't Communicate: Kawai X Tadano, a What If ScenarioWhere stories live. Discover now